Chapter 4

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𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
                             𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠

It's been five years since they left...
In the future , It would take another seven to heal all wounds ...

Ezra was running, he was out of breath and had trouble catching up. The training to become a demon slayer and eventually a hashira was hard and merciless.

Ever since the day his parents left him five years ago when he was just eleven years old he had to survive all on his own. He had tried to hunt and fish which had been very troublesome and he'd mostly ended up doing busy work for the town's folk. Which had proven to be a nightmare- Since Ezra had the gapping fleshwound in his cheek everyone was very scared or disgusted by him which caused him to be more and more of an outcast. He would often have to result in working in the back of shady shops and carry around big heavy objects such as sacks of flour. He got paid very little as well- leaving the young boy exthausted and tired as he always returned home , sometimes a little part of him hoped he'd find his parents there waiting for him.... Bit they never came back.

When Ezra grew older he eventually got a visit from a recruiter from the demon slayer core who was shocked to find a dirty lonely little boy sitting alone on the porch of his small estate throwing rocks at the floor. Of course the recruiter, a middle-aged man offered the young Ezra to come with him and receive training and a home under the care of the demon slayer core until he was off age but Ezra refused- how could he trusts anyone but himself again, and thi he was desperate for a warm welcoming home and affection he didn't wanted to get hurt again. So Ezra just agreed to finally be officially trained as a part of the demon slayer core- and he was singed up for the final selection.

He trained harder and harder every single day- afterall he had his only goal to fulfill, to become a hashira and stick it to his parents. A chance to prove his worth at least a little bit- so his existence had some meaning in the end.

He soon developed his own breathing form refusing to use his mother's crystal or his father's metall breathing. He wouldn't rely on their teachings as he refused to be like them in any way nor support their dreams they have had for him long before the accident.

Depriving from his pained past and the teachings of breathing styles he'd read about he eventually developed bone breathing- something he could call his own and he could be in control of. He'd put Hours of training into it and eventually quit his work to fully concentrate on it despite being all alone and having no money to buy food. He'd be fine just hunting some rabbits and steal bags of rice when no one was looking.

When it came time for the final selection Ezra was almost sixteen years old. Having spent the last few years in the solitary of his own home with no to little human interaction he had become a shell deprived of much emotion. His skin was pale and covered in tattoos that would imprint a human skeletal structure on his flesh, because why would he care what he looks like anymore, if anything it was a reminder he was in control and his choices were his own to make- the decisions about his body up to him as well. He knew he was an outcast- so it didn't matter since he'd always be seen as nothing less. As he stood on the side of the wisteria  mountain for the final selection he clutched his katana grip into his hand as he felt the eyes on him.

They're talking about you
                     They despise you

He could hear them whisper, he could see them point at him their faces twisted in disgust and fear, some even scowling and shaking their head as they exchanged glances. Ezra tried to keep his head down and his eyes starring at the floor as he felt the slight sting of pain in his chest and the blurry glaze of tears into his eyes as he tried to concentrate on the gentle glow of the wisteria around him.

No don't cry.
Be a man.
They are right.
They should be scared

Ezra gritted his teeth, pushing away all of his emotions once more and swallows hardly. Just waiting for the start when he could be alone again and just slaughter demons when no one would look at him, laugh at him or insult him.... But that seemed like a delusion because just in that moment he felt a small rock hit him in the back of his head with a great force.

"Hey you! Creepy! Stop standing so close to us ! You're really ugly and I don't feel comfortable with you being near me-" a female voice uttered as Ezra looked up, a young girl was starring at him, she had purple lilac eyes , black hair tied back into a braid and a violet haori as she hurled another small stone at Ezra's head with a scowl "didn't you hear me you monster! I said go away from me! You creep!" She hissed and frowned as one of her peers behind her chuckled "since when do they allow people like you at he final selection? You look like you are a demon yourself! Hey if you're not careful we might end up mistaking you for one and kill you on accident!" He chuckled his green eyes starring daggers at Ezra "tho I don't think that would be bad- When you die we would do the world a favour! After all we'd get rid of a monstrosity like you and spare other people their precious eyesight" he grinned his hand snatching up another stone as he aimed it at Ezra. "Hey Freak! Are you even listening? Or are you deaf?" As he wanted to throw the rock he got interrupted by a form hand on the guys shoulder "Hey shino- leave that guy alone. We're not here for that! Stop bothering people!" another lighter gentle male voice emerged.

Another young man looked at Ezra and cracked a small awkward smile "don't mind them-" he said his caramel brown eyes gazing over at Ezra with a glimpse of sympathy. Ezra just stood there feeling droplets of blood dripping from his forehead where the stone had hit him- he just wiped over it and adverted his gaze his eyes starring at the ground wanted to avoid talking to anyone let alone people who would pity him "whatever, i don't care..." Ezra mumbled in a quiet breath not bothering to look up even once.

The young man felt the tension he wanted to say something, anything but before he could they all got called to the start. The final selection had begun...

 The final selection had begun

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