Chapter 7

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After the final selection ended Ezra was exthaused, the sun was rising high over the mountain as the air got warmer and warmer. The bittersweet morning after a rough night....

After Ezra had wiped off his friends blood he made his way to the gathering ground looking around for the other survivor's. Not many- as expected. Only a handful of a few poor souls spread across the area all lost in their own thoughts after the few brutal days they all had just endured- their faces tired and marked with evidence of what they had been through.

The white haired boy didn't look at them for long his eyes darting to the ground again, still traumatized and shaken up by the loss of his new and only friend. He didn't dare to speak or look up.

Of course the survivers where greeted and congratulated on their survival as if nothing had happened- but everything fell on deaf ears as Ezra didn't really listen. When it came to choosing the ore for his future katana he barley paid attention as his mind kept drifting off again and again as he had to get a grip on himself-

You can't let yourself slip now
           You can't be weak. move on

Ezra took a deep breath to calm himself his brain pushing out all thoughts. After he had chosen an ore he looked up his blue grey eyes tired. "My friends corpse is still on that mountain near the wisteria tree border... I would appreciate it if it could be brought here to get him back to his family" he said his voice low as he bowed forward a plead to make his request clear. After that he just turned around- facing away from everything and went back down the mountain.

Every step was heavy- everything was hurting and he felt tired , his eyes still swollen from the tears he had shed and his mind flooding with the grief again-

There it is. That familiar feeling...

Ezra chuckled bitterly to himself. He should have never opened up to anyone at all- it just brought him more misery- more pain,. More desperation.

Flap flap

Ezra looked up when he heard the panicked fluttering of wings. His eyes darted to the ground nearby on the path down the mountain, he spotted a white feathery mess withering on the ground- was that a dove?

His mind got ripped out of it's foggy state for just a while as he approached the squirming animal on the ground. Indeed it was a white dove, it was clearly hurt and there was some blood on it's body soaking into it's feather's who where also spread across the ground.

That thing must have been attacked by something....

Ezra bend down and titled his head feeling pity for the bird, it's face and beak torn slightly as it adjusted itself and digs it's little claws into the ground and set it's eyes o the white haired boy in Front of it. Ezra huffed surprised that the animal was still alive and well "you're lucky aren't you...." He said slowly as the injured dove approached him making some sounds that almost sounded like they could be words- wait what?

He must be dreaming.... Ezra got back up and rolled his eyes. What was he doing? He decided to leave the bird since it seemed to be fine and decided to go further down the mountain his mind getting numb once again.

The air was warm and the further he went from the mountain the more numb he felt. After a while of walking without any thoughts he'd finally reached his home as he sat down on the floor of his room- the estate laying in silence as it always had been

He felt nothing. Maybe some pain still lingering but that was all drowned out...

He did it. He beat the final selection and in a few days could officially become a demon slayer core member- the first step to Archive his goal that he had ever since his parents had abandoned him so long ago.

He could try and focus on it again- move on. Yes. That's it. Ezra took a deep breath and closed his eyes as his mind cleared- he would only concentrate on his goal. He doesn't need anyone to help him and friends and feelings where just a bother right? For now it would be the best decision to just do that. Ezra leaned back his body slumping against the floor as he let out a sigh finally getting some rest after everything that just happened- he could just enjoy it, sink deep down into the pit of carelessness and ignorance.

The loneliness is good. It feels nice. He would just need to get used to that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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