Chapter 3

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𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐢𝐫

                      𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝

Ezra was sitting in his room his Hand pressed tightly onto his cheek. After he had woken up from passing out in the porch his mother had waited for him to wake up and yell at him. How dare he had left the house without permission. Didn't they warn him enough? Of course that would happen to those who don't listen and the anger and fury of his parents came down harder than ever.

"Look at you now! You look horrfying and repulsive! We can never show ourselves in puplic with you ever again!"

That's what his mother a said as Ezra had kneeled in front of them his brain still trying to grasp what happened as the foot of his father connected to his sons rips. He flew back into the wall with a gasp for air and a strangled cry as all the air got knocked out of his lungs. "YOU LITTLE BRAT! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR YOUR BEHAVIOUR!" His father yelled his voice booming as his massive frame casted a shadow on Ezra who was holding his stomach coughing trying to get a sentence out "I'm-- I'm sorry i don't know what happened-" he tried to explain himself when his father grabbed his cheeks and digged a thumb into the still fresh fleshwound making Ezra cry out again as his father lifted him up his legs kicking in the air helplessly "please! Please it Hurts- I'm so sorry!" Ezra chocked out as his father threw him into his room "you are a Disappointment! A waste of space and air!to think me and your mother even had the tiniest slither of hope for you to become a hashira! We should have known better!" He scoffed his fist slamming into the wall with a cracking sound as Ezra cowered back in fear. His blue grey eyes falling onto the ones of his mother who stood behind his father with a empty cold gaze as Ezra gave her a pleading look reaching his hand out to her "mother please" he begged with a weak voice craving some form of pity or comfort.

"Filthy little brat. I knew You're good for nothing in the end.... " Her voice cut through the air as Ezra's heart sank. Not even in this bitter Moment she had nothing left for her son.

Ezra was left alone his room as he rocked himself to sleep despite the pain in his face and the trauma he had just suffered ,his body bruised and battered hoping he could talk with his parents tomorrow to maybe get them to spare some sympathy but he was in for a cruel awakening...

When he opened his eyes the next day he felt dizzy and extremely unwell. His face was numb tho he could still feel the gapping fleshwound in it cheek. He got up on his feed and opened the sliding door when he noticed that his parents weren't there- he also noticed a few things that were missing around the house nor did he heard their Voices.

Then it hits him like lighting

No... No no no no no no It can't be

From one of the other second he stormed out of the house stumbling as he did so. His exposed feet hitting the ground as he ran faster than ever towards the gate , his heart beating into his ears and as he reached it he stopped abruptly his gaze shooting into the distance where caught a glimpse of his parents- the last glimpse he would ever get of them as they dissapearded into the distance never to be seen again.

They left. And they would never return

And Ezra knew it. His eyes widened before they filled up with tears as he reached his hand out to the distance in the direction they dissapearded into "no-" Ezra breathlessly whispered before he felt his knees buckle and give out underneath him as he floped down onto the concrete "come back..." His voice was small and barley hearable as tears streamed down his face as he started sobbing.

His parents had abandoned him

Now he was all alone. How could They? leave their child behind? Their home? Everything? Ezra felt himself hyperventilating as he clutched the ground crying violently with shuddering sobs. Even as the pain in his face came back he couldn't stop crying.

He sat on that Spot for what felt like Hours until the sky started to darken and it started to rain as if the heavens wept with him. Ezra felt the rain soak him as he slowly got up on his wobbling legs and turned around- but he didn't went to the house- instead he slowly made his way to the training hall his arms hugging himself as the rain came down hard his wet White hair covering his face.

Once the sliding door shut behind him he made a few steps into the hall before breaking down again curling up on the Bamboo floor as if everything came crashing down around him as if he felt nothing but emptyness inside of him as the cold settled in. He starred into the air his swollen and tear drenched eyes empty and devoid of any emotions- he has been casted aside and forgotten, nothing he did mattered anymore. All his goals, feelings and aspirations seemed to crumble into dust.

He stayed like this for a while his eyes unfocused as he let the anguish consume him. It wasn't until a while later when his eyes Landed on the dummy in the room who was standing there engulfed in the half darkness of the room. He'd spend hours on this thing training for days and put sweat and tears into it to please his parents and become a demon slayer. when Was it all for nothing? Ezra gazed up onto it as his expression changed and he slowly rose from the ground.

What if it wasn't for nothing?

He starred at the wooden dummy as an idea- a thought entered his mind.

What if I could be everything they never were?

Ezra balled his fists- his sadness and fear replaced by anger and wrath. No. He wouldn't give them that. He wouldn't give his parents who abandoned him the satisfaction of him crying after them. They never cared about him- treated him like garbage and left him forever alone when he got his face mangled by a curse.

He could be better than them
              He could be what they failed to be

       A successful hashira

Ezra took a deep breath his mind pushing away the sadness and anguish he felt as he tried to calm himself. Tho he was determined by his new goal he would train everyday- forge his own breathing form and build a life for himself like he wants to.

After he reaffirmed that to himself he only now still realized that he had to take care of himself now. He ran over to the house and into the storage area- oh no.

"There's not much left" he uttered to himself as he scanned the rations that were left in the seller. "maybe..... It will last two months....if I only eat once a day" he mumbled. He was only eleven- how was he supposed to provide for himself now? His parents left everything that wasn't really valuable behind so he can't make money from selling anything, and he didn't know how to hunt or get a garden going. "Maybe..... maybe I can learn hunting" he said to himself as he looks around and sighs "....if I become a demon slayer quickly I can earn some money....." Ezra bit his lip Knowing that would also take a long time. "I'll manage... somehow... Maybe".

Ezra sighs. He didn't know what the future would hold for him but he wanted to try to survive and live even if it was to prove his parents wrong for abandoning him and proving that he could succeed in that very thing they failed in which they made his life a hell for. But it didn't matter- he had nothing else left besides that...

 But it didn't matter- he had nothing else left besides that

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