Chapter 6

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𝐈′𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦, 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞
                        𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝

Hours had passed and it was night time again. Another day on that mountain, surviving the final selection....

Ezra sat by the fire as he watches the sun dissapeard behind the trees. He'd been sitting there for an hour and watched over Harue who was still sleeping. Ezra's eyes wandering to him every now and then still not sure what to think of him, but he'd soon come to realize he might appreciate that blonde boys presence.

"Hey- you. We gotta get up- it's night again" Ezra huffed and poked the boy who blinked repeatedly and rubbed his face "uh ... You- you've been staying here with me? I thought you'd left?" He said and titled his head starring at Ezra with those big caramel eyes, dammit! Ezra sighs deeply "well uh ... You gave me some food and I thought I'd do you a favour back..." He said slowly not knowing how to phrase his words as Harue smiled "really? Does that mean we fight together from now on?! Like comrades?!" He said exited and Ezra rolled his eyes "well.... I didn't really plan on that , I just want to get this over with.... alone. I don't need anyone." He mumbled looking down at his hands , as he slowly got up walking away slowly.

"I'm gonna scout the area stay her-" before he could finish his sentence a big shadow fell down from the tree above him in high speed. "WATCH OUT!" Harue's voice yelled out as in one second to the other the blonde had rushed to Ezra and grabbed him pulling him to the ground and rolling off the dirt together before the shadow could make an impact who instead crashed into the earth where Ezra stood a second ago.

Ezra took a few seconds to realize what had occurred when he looked into the eyes of Harue who sat on top of him "are you okay?!" He asked with worry in his voice.

"I'm....fine" Ezra responded, he didn't pay attention for a single second and almost got flattened by a demon. But Harue had saved his life- that was surprising. Ezra sprung to to legs unsheathing his katana and so did Harue. They both circled the feral demon who attacked them so viscously. "Im gonna take the front and distract him- you go in and kill him with your breathing technique!" Harue said looking at Ezra with determination. This demon was a bit bigger and tougher- he would be hard to beat.

Ezra was taken aback for a second once again. He would have to trust this guy- a stranger and work together with him to succeed. Would he be able to do that? It didn't matter, this guy saved him afterall. Ezra felt a strange determination surge through him as he nods at Harue. "Okay let's go!" Ezra huffed before stepping back as Harue jumped towards the enemy "I'm here you big ugly Bastard!" He yelled as the demon tried to attack him he just dodged it and landed a slice onto its under arm..

Damn. He's really brave.


Ezra jumped on a tree and toon a deep breath- this was the perfect opportunity to use his latest bone breathing form. He closed his eyes and took a high jump in the air his blue grey eyes focusing in on the demon below.

"Bone breathing ,fifth form! Cadaver perception!" Ezra's pupil's dilated as his breathing form took shape, he could see the Demon's skeletal structure like an X ray vision and adjusted his katana to strike his weak spot. first form! Mauling sledge!" With that he lunged his katana deep into the demons neck.

The demon screamed in anguish and fell down to the ground hard. But that wasn't enough Ezra yanked the hilt of the katana back and twisted it making the demon wither on the ground. "I got him-" Ezra breathed and he separated it's head from his body by bringing the blade down all the way before he let out glide back into the sheath.

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