Chapter 4

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Danil refused to acknowledge it.... not consciously or unconsciously but he was drawn to Kamol... despite the man's reputation... and despite knowing it would do him no good... might even anger his brother... might widen the rift in their relationship...

but the more he spent time with the man, the more he knew what his brother saw in the street rat... he was a real hard worker... he was always trying to do more, and do better.... his men feared and respected him in equal measures...

As Kamol made his recovery, he asked some of his men to train regularly with him, to get his level of activity back to its previous shape...

Danil tagged along to some of those... and he was mesmerized...

Despite the man's injury and his whole ordeal, Kamol was Fatal... his hits were always hard and precise... his aim was true... he could handle himself pretty well against anyone...

it was no longer a question of why his brother trusted him... he stood in the direct hit of a bullet aimed for Ivan without a second hesitation... and managed to shoot the man in the head before being down himself...

If that wasn't the most obvious display of loyalty, Danil didn't know what would be...

and without meaning to, Danil felt that he too can trust Kamol....

it all came down to small things... talks after their sessions... Kamol had a new habit of asking Danil a question in English and then switching back to Russian and then back to Thai to see if the boy could keep up...

Danil wanted to learn Thai, especially when he discovered that his brother and Kamol always communicated in the language when they needed privacy from prying ears...

This resulted in him spending more time with Kamol... and he started to notice more about the man than his outer persona...

Kamol had an uncanny attention to detail... he noticed everything all the time... he had his way to ensure things went his way.... or didn't at all... he was stubborn and very hard-headed... he woke up at the break of dawn and slept after the entire house slept...

Drank but not to the point of losing his head... he had his hard limits... he always knew when to stop... and above all else his self-control was uncanny...

He was handsome, despite his Cold looks he can smile at people when he wants to... he tends to smile towards children when no one noticed... and he is loyal to a fault... to Ivan and to his men alike

He saw him showing interest in one or two people during nights he tagged along with him to one of the lounges owned by his brother... and the next day he would hear rumors from his men... rope marks.... lash marks... no one... spoke of the act itself... but he heard enough to know that those people knew what they signed up for except that this was all talk and when things came down to business, they didn't deliver.... and above all else... his Shahriar reputation... he seemed to never have the same bed mate twice..

and Danil's head swam with possibilities, once again his brain reminding him that he wants more than meets the eyes... how would those ropes feel on his skin.. would they feel good or would they tear at his skin and chafe it... those lash marks... and then.... how would it feel to lose all control with someone in bed... to give someone the lead over his own neck and be peaceful about it... to let someone take him apart without him fearing for his life...

His dreams didn't make it easier for him... he saw himself - repeatedly - tied in bed... asking Kamol to touch him... and always woke up drowning in his sweat and breathing hard... and it wouldn't be the only thing about him that it would be hard... which frustrated him to no end

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