Chapter 7

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it turned out Ivan had planned a lot... a stay for 4 days in a five-star hotel along with countless fancy lunches and dinners...

"Only the best for my family..."

He said so when Danil exclaimed openly...

Also, Danil saw the Violin in his room once he made his way there... much to his surprise... he changed and made his way to lunch with his brother... before they head out for some sightseeing...

"What's the Violin doing here ?"

"oh... I took the liberty to ask them to pack it for you... you seemed to be taking to playing again... I didn't want you to miss it..."

Danil smirked at his brother...

"Not because you wanted me to play for you, right?"

The mock scandalized expression on his brother's face pulled a loud laugh out of him... a sound he doesn't remember when the last time he heard himself make...

Kamol joined them shortly and they both quieted down a bit... Ivan made small talk filling Danil in about the mischief Kamol was up to before Danil finished school...

He nodded politely.... and smiled... but something in him didn't sit right with the fact that Kamol was spending time with his brother while He was trapped alone in a boarding school for years...

Ivan seemed to guess the issue and fell silent... not wanting to fuel the rift between all three of them anymore...

Then Kamol took over the talk and told them both some trivia about Thailand... and about the orphanage and how he ran away... it was the first time ever Danil heard that Kamol had no one.... he never asked

"We should go there at some point... "

Danil nodded his consent eagerly this time... he doesn't remember much of the first visit... the second time would be good for them...

after lunch, Ivan dragged both of them sightseeing... and even went along and asked one of his men to take a picture of all three of them together...

Something Childish in Danil was glad that we would have physical proof that his brother is still here among all the business and the mafia things...

"I will frame it..."

Kamol said in a small voice... and for the first time... Danil saw the Orphan boy...


Later that night when Danil was changing to sleep he looked at his back in the mirror... truth be told he was ok most of the day... the bruises didn't bother him as much as he expected... even his shoulders were not as strained as well...

Kamol was good to him... really good to him...

He put on some sweats and a sweatshirt and made his way out when he heard a knocking... his brother was standing in the doorway... holding a bottle of wine and three glasses...

"Mind if I invite myself in ?"

"Not at all.. but are you trying to bribe me for a reason?"

"Maybe... Maybe not... we shall see how good of a brother you are to me ...."

Ivan went in... and placed the bottle and the glasses on the table... he took the liberty to move around the room..... open some curtains and let the moonlight and the cool air flow in...

he sat down and patted the place next to him...


Danil sat and waited for his brother to speak...

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