A catch of feelings

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The prince looked at me, and I shivered in coldness, my feet felt like they were buried in snow from Antarctica or something.

"I-it's col-," I said, as I stopped to sneeze.

"Well, obviously you can't walk to your room naked, so I'll give you mines, and when your finished, prepare my bed and clothes and also a robe," he said.

I hurriedly walked out the bathroom, and put on warm clothes. I prepared the sheets for the bed and some clothes until the prince called my name.

I walked in the bathroom, and he was standing outside the tub, naked, I avoided looking and put on his robe. As we walked out, I sneezed and the prince looked at me, and raised a brow.

"Are you here to watch me change, I'm more than happy to give you a show," he said sarcastically.

"Wh- no of course not sire," I said, walking out and closing the door, sneezing again.

"Are you okay?" One of the guards said.

"Yes, yes don't worry," I said, as they smiled at me.

It was late, so I decided to have a nap, and when I awake a knock came from the door. I was sleeping for about an hour, skipping the Time to eat my dinner but i wasn't even hungry. I got up and opened the door to where a maid was standing there, saying the prince was going to eat, so I walked out to follow the maid as I prepared the cooked food and set in on the table, when the prince came in and sat down. I walked to the side of the wall, and waited for him to finish.

I sneezed causing the prince to immediately look at me.

"Do you mind?" He said.

"I apologise sire," I said, knowing how bad I looked, I really did not want to have a cold.


"Yes sire," Emily said, walking towards the prince.

"Please make sure he's well, for tomorrow, I wouldn't want to be alone for the events," he said, as he looked over to me and looked away at his food.

"Of course sire, though it must also be because he hadn't had dinner," Emily said, saying the last part more quietly.

"What!" He shouted, looking at Me.


"Emily, no!" He said, still looking at me.

"Why didn't you eat?,"

"I wasn't hungry,"

"I don't believe you,"

"Then don't," I said, as it was his fault, though mines as well.


"My head was hurting,"

"Was it because of what happened in the bathroom?" He said as I looked over to Emily who looked extremely shocked with raised eyebrows 😳. (Me - the emoji is Emily's exact reaction!)
"Why are you looking at Emily? Look at me!"

I sighed. " I have a cold and my head was hurting, so I decided to nap on the pain, and yes I know that if I don't eat in the correct time, I won't have the time later to eat and that it's my fault, yes I know!"

He looked at me, fiercely, and looked over to Emily.

"Emily, prepare a plate for him, of his foolish actions which caused himself to get sick, and he wouldn't have missed dinner, and for his lack of knowledge to know that he needs this food for energy,"

"You don't have to be harsh-," I said towards his rude words about me.

"Jake, leave it," Emily said, looking at me.

I mouthed sorry to her and she left as the prince was looking at me, pointing towards the seat close to him , so I went to sat down on that seat.

"Finish what you were saying," the prince said, looking on the grand table.

"Sire, I-I apologise for my tone and words," I said.

"FINSIH," he shouted.

"I-... forget it, I don't want to eat," I said, as I got up, to leave, but he stopped me with his magic.

He walked towards me and looked me in the eyes, no part of me could move except my tears. Stop crying, I'm such a coward, I was thinking to myself.

"Crying is natural, you are allowed to cry," he said to me calmly.
"Everyone leave this room, and no one come in!"

The guards left and his magic that was on me was gone, I wiped my tears.

"I-.." I looked over to the prince while he was about to say something, but he stopped and looked over to the floor. What an interesting floor...

I decided to walk away, as he had nothing to say.

"Could you not walk away, it's rude,"

"Your not my dad," I said.


"Look I'm sorry," he said, as I turned around to him.
"Im not good at this thing," he said.

"You just saying sorry, is enough, your a demon after all," I said.

"But your a demon as well?"
Oh shoot,I thought

"But not all demons are this harsh as you..," I said.

"Right.." he said, as he walked to sit down and held my wrist to sit me down.
"You all can come in now!" He said, as I jumped from the random shout, and looked over to the prince who was looking at his plate, smiling, due to my jump.

"Y- are you smiling?"

"What! No!" He said, as his smile immediately went away. Then, Emily walked in with my food.

After we finished eating, the prince demanded for me to go sleep and I also heard he wanted to speak to Emily, I do hope it wasn't bad and I did want to know what about, but I wasn't too eager to know.

I lay in bed, thinking of everything thats happened. I know that I shouldn't go too close towards the prince but I have a weird feeling towards him that I can barely explain.

Every time I'm near him, my tummy feels like a swarm of butterflies have flew in and it gets so hard for me to breath or even focus. I don't know what this is, but it's scary...

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