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If you told Athena this morning that she would be running from the witches wolves with three humans and a beaver then she'd laugh in your face and tell you it's not good to lie. But fate never really was on her side.

 The four humans and the beaver burst through the door after running all the way back down the mountain when they heard the howl of the wolves. "Hurry mother, they're after us!" Mr Beaver shouted as they ran in.

"Oh! right then." Mrs Beaver began collecting some things and packing them in a bag for the trip.

"What is she doing?" Peter asked in a panic.

"Oh you'll be thanking me later," Mrs Beaver told them. "It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry!"

"I think we're all a bit cranky now!" Athena snapped. She just wanted to get the hell out of there. Lucy quickly grabbed her hand when the wolves began digging into the dam but they all managed to fit through the secret tunnel just in time.

The ran as quick as they could through the tunnel, the torch that Peter was holding being the only light.

"Badger and me dug this. Comes out right near his place," Mr Beaver informed them and Athena laughed.

"You told me it led to your mum's!" Mrs Beaver scolded.

When Lucy tripped on a branch they all fell silent and only the barks of the wolves could be heard. "They're in the tunnels," Lucy whispered.

After that, they wasted no time in hurrying along the tunnels but there wasn't far left to go. When they got to the end, it was a dead end.

"You should've brought a map!" Mrs Beaver told him, her voice shaking with fear.

"There wasn't room next to the jam!" Mr Beaver snapped. He quickly jumped up and exited the tunnel, everyone else following closely behind with Peter coming last. When he came up, him and Mr Beaver put a barrel against the opening so the wolves wouldn't be able to get through.

They all turned around in alarm when Lucy screamed but it seemed she had only fallen over a few stone animals. One of them being Badger.

The Beavers walked over to Badger who was stuck with a fearful look on his face, holding his hands up in defence.

"I'm so sorry dear," Mrs Beaver said sympathetically, putting a hand on her husbands shoulder.

Mr Beaver lowered his head. "He was my best mate." He muttered.

"What happened here?" Peter asked no one in particular.

"This is what becomes of people who cross the witches." They all exclaimed in shock when a voice came from behind them. Athena sighed in relief when she realised it was only the fox from back at camp. The others didn't seem so at ease. The fox bowed his head to her, "Your majesty." He greeted.

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