1.3 meet liam

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thursday, 14th may

5.56 pm


"woah there, baby boy! what did i tell you about taking one step at a time on the stairs?" louis stands in shock as he watches from afar the way the much bigger guy has his arm supporting niall's shoulder and the other one is tucked under his knees. meanwhile, zayn is circling the two of them like a hawk while his fingers randomly poke niall's body in search for any injuries even though it is obvious that the new guy saved niall from falling face first onto the wooden flooring.

niall has his hands wrapped tightly on the boy's nape and starts shaking vigorously in an attempt to be let down when he realises that louis is still present, embarrassed that he is spectating all of this. "so, uh, that was that," niall shrugs at louis' direction when he is put down, a red tint faintly appearing on his cheeks.

"oh, hello! are you one of niall's friends?" the unknown boy from before redirects his fond gaze from niall to louis. he grins at louis, ushering all of them to sit on the couch and louis plops himself into his previous seat, same goes to zayn while he pulls a tall stool from where louis assumes is the kitchen. niall stands awkwardly by the coffee table, still wearing the 'payne' jersey but has changed into a pair of sweatpants.

the nameless guy laughs, calling niall over to him and easily settling him sideways on his lap before introducing himself. "i'm liam payne, roommate to this baby boy – " niall cuts him with a 'hey!' but liam resumes after sticking his tongue at the boy on his lap, "and this is zayn malik, niall's other roommate, in case he wasn't decent enough to introduce himself." this causes zayn to grumble inaudibly while louis tells liam his name.

"hold up. that name sounds familiar, aren't you that ace goalie from knights? you were number 17, right?" louis nods, laughing when liam reaches over to fistbump him making the boy on his lap squeal in fright as his hands frantically grabbed onto the bigger guy's shirt. "coach, just called me over to talk about you. you are thinking of joining the team, right?"


louis and liam are already making up inside jokes by the time niall trudges back to them, a pout apparent on his face. "are you guys done talking about football? i was okay for the first 15 minutes but it's been like 2 hours and i thought i was going to hang out with louis."

liam smiles guiltily, "yeah. sorry about that but you can have fun now. just don't go over your bedtime, baby boy." niall huffs loudly at the way his roommate patronises him and actually stomps his foot – which louis thinks is the cutest thing – when liam pinches his bum on his way out of the living room.

after walking around the downstairs part of their apartment, louis' is holding onto niall's tinier hand as the excited boy barges into a room with a plain white door and reveals a neat bedroom. it has a giant blackboard taking over an entire wall being filled with study notes and football strategies written by chalk while the wall opposite to it has polaroid pictures pinned onto hanging threads which is shockingly in order.

taking a closer look at the pictures, a smile appears on his face when he realises majority of the photos consisted of niall. most of them are candids but there also close ups of the parts of his body such as his freckles, lips and eyes and louis decides that he loves those pictures more than the others.

"this is not my room by the way, it's liam's but i thought of playing a prank on him by replacing all his scenery pictures with pictures of me," niall explains and louis notices the way the smaller frowns at the picture of his crooked teeth, "it didn't work obviously because he said he likes looking at my pictures but i think he's just doing that for my sake so i don't get offended, i mean look at me."

the brunette refrains himself from saying 'i am' but his attempt is in vain when it just slips out of his mouth despite his efforts. "nope, we're not re-enacting 50 shades of grey in liam's room," niall giggles and pushes louis out of the room, both of them blushing hard as they try to avoid the other from seeing it.


louis lays niall by zayn's side on the couch, the raven haired boy instinctively putting an arm around the smaller boy's shoulder while liam walks louis out of the door. "i told him that he shouldn't go pass his bedtime but he just wouldn't listen to me but thank you, anyway, for wanting to carry him around. and you should definitely come to practice tomorrow, you'll fit in easily."

"it's no problem, bro. see you tomorrow then?" liam nods about to close the door before a sleepy niall half-consciously runs to the pair, his tiny body not effecting liam's fit body at all when he bumps into the boy's side and starts waving towards louis' direction at the doorway. "bye-bye, louis!" he slurs, sending a drowsy wave at the smirking boy.

louis steps in slightly, leaving a short kiss on the shorter's forehead whilst whispering, "bye-bye, beautiful. have a goodnight sleep, alright?" nodding, niall puts his weight on liam and falls asleep standing up.

psst exam weeks just started for me so the next update would probably come around a week or so

oh oh and one time lexi talked about corgis and i said they reminded me of niall and i found a video of sleeping corgis and i thought it'd fit with a sleepy niall

another thing i want to clarify is liam calls niall 'baby boy' but it's more of a big bro/lil bro pet name ok

and eeeeep i'm so excited because i have a ziall fic in the makings but idk if i'm going to post it on this account or @zaynftniall 

(⌒▽⌒)♡ cass

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