1.4 meet harry

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friday, 15th may

2.59 pm

"for a second there i thought you weren't gonna make it," louis earns a crinkly-eyed smile from liam as he walks onto the field with a proper sports attire except for shoes although his clothing looks like it has been put on hastily. scratching his head, louis explains, "sorry about that. just thought of exploring the town for a bit and got lost."

"nothing much that you're missing in this town anyway but if you're still insistent on getting to know this place, niall is the ideal person to look for," liam's voice drips with adoration as they sit on one of the bleachers by the field making even the feathery-haired boy unable to hide his smile just thinking of another opportunity to listen to niall's wonderfully soft voice rambling about their landmarks.

without waiting for louis' respond as the boy is tending his shoes, liam continues, "actually, i can set that up for you – pretty sure niall will be a darling and agree immediately." humming in agreement, he gives a final tug on his tied shoelaces and looks up at the constantly happy football captain. "great, i appreciate that."

"one thing though and it's not that i don't trust you or anything but i will be tagging along as well. i have no doubt that you'll take good care of him, it's just i promised his parents a while ago that i'll keep an eye on him and niall gets really hyperactive sometimes so this is just a safety measure." the muscular boy isn't even looking at louis as he explains, his cheeks getting redder by each word.

"oh, i totally understand. the more the merrier, right?" hiding his disappointment that he'll be losing some private time with the blonde boy, louis clears his throat and stands pulling liam's weight off his butt as well, "now, how about you introduce me to the rest of the team?"


"hm... harry. why does that name ring a bell," louis ponders out loud as he stands in front of a curly haired boy who is towering over him with a kind smile etched on his face. "louis tomlinson sounds pretty familiar too," and liam stands there awkwardly, spectating the two boys as they stare up into the sky with their brains working hard to find an answer and a both with a hand underneath their chins in thought.

all of a sudden, harry's train of thought is abruptly cut short when he feels a weight coming from behind and short arms desperately trying to wrap itself around his chest and arms. surprised by the attack, the tall boy grabs onto the tiny arms and pulls the boy over his shoulder as a small shriek leaves the smaller boy's lips. he is right about to smash the unknown person's body onto the grass when his trance gets broken by a bradford accent, "oh my god, harry. what are you doing? that's niall!"

somehow something in louis makes him reach out and take the wide-eyed blonde into his arms. niall's arm instinctively wraps his dainty fingers around louis' neck as liam bends down to whisper soothing things in his ear and zayn running over to the trio with a concerned look on his face. louis faintly hears liam whisper 'are you alright?' into niall's ear and almost sags in relief when the boy nods and hides his face into louis' jersey clad chest.

huffing and puffing, zayn pats harry on the back. "mate, what were you thinking? niall could've been seriously injured because of that," harry who has been quiet slowly turns his head to zayn, his face pale and sweat running down the sides of it like crazy. liam joins zayn to stand by harry's side as they glare at him judgementally before he says, "i guessed your boxing skills rubbed off on me?"

the blue-eyed boy opts to ignore the three bickering boys and whispers to the small boy in his hands, "hey, beautiful? i'm putting you down, okay?" niall's voice comes out muffled with his face still tucked into louis' pecs, "i'm not beautiful but yeah, sure." gently putting the younger down, louis makes sure to squish his chubby cheeks, "hey now – cheer up, cherub," which earns a giggle from the shorter who finally looks up into louis' eyes.

"so what are you doing here actually?" louis stops refraining himself when niall innocently flutters his long eyelashes by pressing his hands onto niall's hipbones resulting with getting an unexpected squeal. the boy moves his hips from side to side with louis' assistance while answering, "oh, the girlies from the cheerleading squad said i should watch them practice. i called brez over to accompany me because obviously, you lot will be busy."

"brez? do i need to compete him to win your heart?" louis jokes but inwardly, he's quite curious to know who this guy is. niall nods thoughtfully, "everyone needs to fight someone else to win my heart but i don't think you'll have a chance against him – look there he is now." niall points towards a guy, no, giant making his way through the squad of cheerleaders, his attention solely set on the blonde.

"i'm going now, talk again when practice is over," he slightly strokes louis' fingers on his hips before prying them off then walks over the trio which at the time are still discussing about harry's sudden aggression, giving them a pat on the cheek each before scurrying off to 'brez'. liam shouts at niall's retreating figure about not throwing yourself carelessly on people again and a proud smile appears on his face when he gets a 'noted' back.


"who is that guy? and why isn't he on the football team?" louis questions zayn and liam during their fifteen minute break as the three watch harry approach brez and niall. there is a lot of things happening at that particular section of the field, the cheerleaders are perfecting their routines while niall excitedly watches them flip and jump in the air and brez is fondly staring at the way niall's face light up with every move although harry is clearly trying to start small talk with him.

"that's niall breslin and he's from another school actually – yeah and by that i meant the only rival school we have that i refuse to address formally. he only comes around for niall because it's so obvious that the boy has him wrapped around his finger. one time i heard that niall even successfully made him try on a skirt but there were no pictures so it's kind of hard to believe." liam explains while zayn grunts, probably in agreement.

louis lets out an 'oh' and watches the way niall points at the one of the moves the girls are doing which consisted of someone throwing another person into the air and catching them in their arms. laughing nervously when he sees harry nods, louis feels sweat trickling down his whole body when niall and harry are walking onto the field while brez walks closer to them but still stands behind the railings.

"is he trying to do what i think he's going to do?" zayn perks up, harry and niall on the field managing to get all their attentions. the smaller one is being scooped into harry's arms and without hesitation, the curly-haired boy throws him into the air. and although it's happening so so quick, louis feels his stomach twist and turn when niall takes his moment of levitation to have direct eye contact with him from afar and shortly waves at him before falling back into harry's arm once more.

(this was supposed to be a full meeting harry chapter but then i remembered niall breslin and although he's just going to be a side character in this story, i just went like why not and added him in here)

for those who doesn't know who bressie is, he's on the side/top

look at how big he is and even now niall still looks so tiny next to him oh god and remember the interview where niall said he was the big spoon now i'm imagining him trying to wrap his limbs around bressie and maybe sometimes bressie likes to slightly squish him as he pretends to sleep

quick question: in your opinion, is it possible for two frenemies to raise a baby without catching feelings (is that the term idk) for each other?

(⌒▽⌒)♡ cass

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