Scene 2

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Rex carefully finished applying Ahsoka's Togruta sunscreen while Kix supervised the rest of the Clones.

"Come on, Commander," yelled Fives as he tried to dunk Echo.

"I'm coming, Fives!" Ahsoka squirmed as Rex rubbed sunscreen between her montrals. "Hurry up, Rex!"

Rex fought a sigh. Why Captain Calrissian had equipped his swimming facilities with "artificial sunlight, guaranteed to burn like the real thing", he had no idea. Quickly covering the last spot on her montrals, he inspected his charge in her blue and white swimdress Padme had given her.

"All right, Little U'n." He adjusted her flotation sleeves. "All set."

"Thanks!" She hugged him and scampered off, giggling. Finding the ladder, she started to descend.

"Rex!" Ahsoka's shriek brought him running. When he reached her, he had to fight another sigh. He should have known.

"This water is wet." She scrambled back up the ladder into his arms.

"That's what makes it fun," he explained patiently. "Why don't you try it? You'll like it- you always do." Every time I take you swimming.

"Okay. If you say so." She slipped out of his embrace and eased down into the water with only a slight shudder. Soon, she was squealing with laughter and splashing the Boys.

Rex plopped down in a nearby deck chair to watch the chaos- Fives, Jesse and Hardcase trying to drown each other, Ahsoka trying to help, Echo trying to trying to do sea-battle drills, Tup trying to find a peaceful corner to float and rest. Rex rubbed his forehead. He hoped General Skywalker appreciated what he was doing.

Anakin forced himself not to drum his fingers on the conference table. Instead, he manifested his impatience by using the Force to make the shimmering tapestries on the walls slowly rock in unison, the mysterious landscapes gently undulating as the moved.

One of the aliens seated across from Padme twisted an eyestalk to watch the waving tapestries.

"An interesting art form," he trilled. "I wonder what causes the movement."

"Perhaps you could discuss the tapestries with the Captain later," Padme suggested. She glanced icily at Anakin, who ducked his head sheepishly.

She had explained to him at length how easily distracted the Filodendrons were. She had also emphasized the importance of the ceremonial meeting and greeting and the need to complete the proceedings as quickly as possible. In the morning, she wanted to open the treaty discussions.

Anakin wanted the meeting over, too, for an entirely different reason. Releasing the tapestries, he began levitating his chair a fraction of a centimeter at a time, until it was floating three centimeters above the floor. Just as slowly, he dropped it, pleased with his minute control of his Force abilities. Once it rested on the floor, he raised it again.

"Anakin. Anakin. Anakin!"

Startled, he dropped the chair with a soft thud. Padme stood staring at him, delicate hands fisted on her slender hips. Glancing around, he discovered that they were alone.

Padme smiled archly. "I thought we were going somewhere romantic when the meeting ended. Or would you rather stay here and levitate your chair?"

Anakin jumped to his feet. Slipping his arm around Padme, he used the Force to jingle the alarm clock parts in his pocket and grinned flirtatiously. Together, they strolled out of the empty room.

The Love Commander Collection: Love and Alarm Clocks- A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now