Author's Notes

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Wooo, I finally finished this story! This one took me so much longer than any other story and I really don't know why to be honest.

I initially had the idea after rewatching The Detective and having the idea to do a sequel. Mix that and me wanting to do a story focused on Anais and Darwin's relationship, and you get this!

I start the first two chapter way back in November, right before the Advent Calendar, intending to finish it afterward. I went back to it in late January and decided and didn't really like what I had so rewrote the first two chapters from scratch. happened in early February which caused me to stop working on this until I eventually picked it up again a week or so later, and it's taken me until now to finally finish it, mainly cause I kept extending, rewriting, and removing certain sections as I kept changing my mind on a bunch of things.

One of the biggest changes was the finale. The original ending was just Anais and Darwin confronting Larry, him confessing and saying why he did it, then the two left as his boss called him into his office, having heard the conversation on camera. 

As I was listening to music whilst writing the story however, Holding Out For a Hero played, a song I'd always wanted to use for a finale to a story at some point, and that led to me thinking of this much more epic and thrilling finale. If you didn't already notice, the whole boat chase and Anais swinging from the crane were heavily inspired by the ending to Short Circuit 2, which I recently watched. 

Another new thing I did was have Anais exhibit some typical rabbit behaviors, like thumping and purring (which I didn't even know they could do until recently!) as a lot of stories have Gumball purring and using his claws and otherwise acting like a cat, so why not have the rabbits showing some of their instinctual habits too?

Did I fool any of you into thinking that the true mastermind was Rob? I deliberately made Clayton's description of them one that would lead one to that conclusion, so I could then pull the rug from under them for the twist reveal. I initially even had a chapter where Anais and Darwin actually went and confronted Rob after talking to Clayton, only for them to realize he had nothing to do with it, but it felt like padding that the story didn't need so I cut it.

You might be able to tell that the Epilogue was not initially planned, and was just a cute idea I had after I learned rabbits could purr and was trying to think of a way to have Anais do it. I like how it turned out though and was a cute way of wrapping up the story.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it, and look forward to more stories and one-shots coming soon!

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