Chapter 3: The man in black

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It was graduation day at Ashford academy. Annabeth and her friends were going to be graduating today. The air was filled with excitement, joy, sadness and nostalgic teens.

Parents had started making their presence and the ground was slowly filling up with crowd. Somewhere in the classrooms and corridors students wearing black robes were found talking and hugging each other, some wishing farewell to others. They were going to be together as a class for one last time today.

Teachers and staff members could be seen visiting students wishing them luck and congratulating them. It was truly a joyful day.

The ceremony was about to begin.
Amelia and Annabeth were walking down the corridor connecting their classroom and the toilets, when Annabeth suddenly started feeling uncomfortable. She felt someone was constantly watching her. At first she ignored this thinking it's just her anxiety kicking in but then again she's always been confident. She decided to look back through the window and she saw a pair of dark glasses watching her and her friend...
She told Amelia about this but Amelia told her not to worry. She justified it as someone pulling a prank.

Soon Annabeth too shrug it off as someone pulling a prank.
After a while they reach the assigned classroom.

" Hey love....ready for graduation?"
Raymond asked.

" Hey Ray...yeah I guess I'm ready"
Anna said but discomfort could clearly be seen on her face.

" What happened...? You look uncomfortable.."

" I have this feeling that someone is watching idea who though..."

"'s probably someone pulling a prank. Or maybe it's your imagination. Happens to the best of us. Anyways if at all you feel threatened, scream ok? "

"Yeah" smiled Anna.

Raymond patted his girlfriends shoulder. Annabeth felt a bit better knowing her friends had her back.

Soon the graduation ceremony began.
Annabeth and Samuel delivered speeches among the group.

" Finally our kids have graduated!!" Exclaimed Jay, Jay Wyatt, an extremely joyful and happy lady. Jay and Samuel had a very close mother- son bond. Sam's friends were like her own kids. She was very happy for them all.

"I couldn't have been any prouder "
Llyod Hill said almost tearing up.
That was Raymond's father...proud father of two son's.

"This deserves celebrating"
Stated Seline. Seline James. Mother of Annabeth James

The parents of the four then had their own little chat while the graduation program continued.
Those 8 were indeed the most proud as well as dignified parents present there. Little do they know, this dignified name may cause certain people their everything....

- meanwhile at the other side of Ashford academy -

"Have you spotted the target?"- an unknown voice spoke.

" Yes boss.."

" any good pictures?"

"Yes boss....I have the pictures..The target is confirmed."


"Shall I attack?"

"No.. don't do anything yet. We need not get into spotlight right after our grand escape... there's still time."

"Ok boss..and welcome back my lord ."

-back with the group -

It was now evening. The graduation ended and the four friends are now leaving school with their parents to  celebrate. Reservations were made at Parker hotel, a grand hotel in their city.

" I think we're going to have one too many parties this month.." said Llyod.

"(Giggling) that is true'.." said Seline.

"Why, dad did anything happen?" Asked Raymond.

"Your brother has proposed it seems. The date is fixed to two months later..." Answered Adrianna Hill. Raymond's mother.

They continued what may seem like a normal conversation to us, but, there's always someone listening, and in this case quite literally.

A group of 3 guys sat at a table right behind theirs. They were listening in to the conversation.
Marcus Wyatt, an ex military officer noticed this but didn't say anything. Anyone would say it was natural for other people to overhear pieces of conversation. Alas, not the case here.

Soon the holidays ended and the group of friends had to part ways to pursue their career. Thankfully, Annabeth and Raymond went to the same institute but different faculties.
They had seperate appartments on the same floor. Their parents knew about the relationship but they trusted their kids to not do anything that may endanger their futures. No disadvantage of any situation was ever taken.

Meanwhile Amelia and Samuel had to go to different universities. They could always visit eachother every other weekend as their universities were only about 3 hours away. All of them were still in contact.

During that span of 5 long years, Samuel and Amelia had developed a unique relationship. They were friends who always eiter pulled pranks on eachother or flirted. They could never speak to eachother normally. That's just how they were.

- 5 years later-

"5 years....5 long year's Ray..." Annabeth said.

"I almost cannot believe that we have finally completed our education....(sigh) finally we go back huh..."
Replied Ray as they wait to reach their town.

- Raymond pov-
If you ask what we've been doing for the past few months...well I am a Law graduate. Annabeths mother inspired me to become a lawyer. Her strong urge for justice and order is what motivated me.

-Amelia and Samuel -

"Hey hey Sam... finally they arrive huh..."

"I'm quite excited to meet them. Haha especially Anna.."

"That's true huh..."

There was a momentary silence.

"You know.... I still think about the day we graduated sometimes. What if there really was some stalker there ? Nerve wracking" commented Amelia as she was lost in her bubble of thoughts.

"Eh it's really tragic if that were the case." Replied Samuel as he thought as well.

-Meanwhile -

"Bossss is it finally time~" excitedly squealed a girls voice.

"Not yet darling, there's still some time. Let them enjoy a bit and then, let's strike in one go" smirked a tall, brood man. He had a tall frame and a scar on his left eye. His eyes were grey and shone in the dark as he schemed.

"It is so exciting ~" said the same girls voice,  in a psychotic manner.

"Soon baby, soon~"


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