Chapter 8: The end before their start

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-Present timeline -

"Woahh! Anna- Obasan was so badass!"
Rhea exclaimed.

"Where'd you learn that word pumpkin?"

Asked Raymond.

"Sam-Sam taught me!"

"( Brother is going to kill me...)" Raymond thought to himself.

"(Sigh) Just don't say that word infront of your father......"  Raymond warned her.

"Oki Ray Ojisan!"

"Hmm, good!"

"What happened after that Ojisan? Why isn't Anna Obasan here?" Asked the innocent girl.

"(Sigh...) Things... happened..." Raymond was upset again...


"You are too young to know that now Rhea... let's stop now...your mom wanted us both home."

"Ok... I'll just go say bye-bye to Bailey..."


-Raymond's pov -
Whatever happened after our wedding was....(sigh) f*cked up...
I don't even know how to explain and where to start from.

- past timeline -

Raymond Hill and Annabeth Hill..a happily married couple.

It was soon going to be their first wedding anniversary.

Just a month after their marriage they started growing their family. They adopted a dog and started raising it.
They named her Bailey.
Bailey Hill.

They moved into an apartment not far from the Hill residence.

They often visited their houses and the 4 friend's still hung out often.

Their career was well settled as well.
In short they were leading a fairytale life.

Happy lives... thinking they would always have their happily ever after.

Little did any of the 4 knew....death was going to soon strike them.

It was 28th  of December.

Just days before new year, Seline and Llyod started recieving creepy, cryptic text messages.

They got tensed as they knew who exactly was behind this.

They, however, couldn't track down his location.

As proof they had backed up the texts recieved from him.

They took correct action.

They hired bodyguards who would protect their kids from afar, without any of them taking notice of it.

- Jameson Residence -
- 2nd of January -

"Adrianna we need to tell them everything now....we need to warn them...." Said Michael.

"How?" Asked Adrianna Hill asked in an exasperated manner.

They were all tensed.

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