Chapter III || Tyler pov: Living in Depression

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Hey, please comment becuz i really really really want you to, if you didn't comment becuz you think this book sucks, i dare you to do better, can you find any wedyler books written with elegant slow romance? No? Exactly.

"As I was forced to face the fact that even as the hyde, a savage beast, I will always stand in shadow of my superior, no matter who it is, that is what I was destined for, I was destined to be born a pet merged to it's master and die as a coward who has never lived to accomplish anything. 

 After officially becoming master after Thornhill's death, she hasn't been using me for any murders, in fact, after Laurel has been deceased, it actually left me with more freedom than before. As the chains remain, things haven't really changed that much?

Wednesday, you might ask how I specifically feel in this situation of mine, not well, I find myself speechless after finding myself here in this truck full of corpses, when I was shot, I thought I was a goner, that it was the end for me, even if I was dead, I would still be free from this so called normal life of mine. The reason why I want you to hear this is that if I could talk to anyone, right now, literally anyone, I would have chosen you.

You are the one person I felt most atteched to, Wednesday, I mean that. There is no other person on Earth who I can trust, and I really don't want to be left alone, if you are so truly desperate to know my current emotion, then, I will tell you, guilt. 

There, I said it, I regret everything I have ever done to you, and I have the innocent souls from afar suffer as they moan in pain, hating whoever made them react like helpless, dying prey with leftover blood from it's predator. And when I hear the screams, I really did feel the suffering amongt them, even if you don't believe this, the fear in their voices, it's calling me. I feel it, and as I send my apologies to whom fear has stroke into their souls, I feel like breaking into the monster they once knew, a killer.

Like I said, I deeply enjoyed admiring the pain I have caused to every person I come to face, the joy was crushing into my skull so quickly. Ever since I was guided to the path of many deaths, I discovered the true power and freedom I could hold until I realized that it was something that can be controlled.

Ever since Laurel died and she became my new master I have felt like a hand me down, I have always been treated like a tool without a reason why. It was believed by my previous master that  I obey those who have shown me my true self and that I should've been grateful to her.

It was well known that even with a master, hydes continue to have a wild and unpredictable mind of their own, I suppose people like her and Laurel are either unaware of what I can do with they simply do not care and that they are willing to risk anything to achieve their goal. I'm assuming every once in a while hydes are meant to think for themselves...

And I'm thinking of killing my current master. Both of us, our species are known to kill and attack, either way, our power levels are rather similar,and again, there won't be much of a difference if we fought. She thinks just because I'm only a human-hyde hybrid I should be the one to fear her. There's a chance for me to turn the tables.

As I thought about my next murder, it seemed like an action that is currently impossible to accomplish. I spend around ninety percent of my time tied up with chains in this van full of corpses, this allows the difficulty level of making my own choices in murder rise.

After finally accomplishing what should be done, I have planned on moving on, escaping this so called home I live in, I suppose there won't be much for my life after that, not much to do, I guess. I am planning on spending the rest of my life away from society, especially from the people who know me, I guess that means away from you too, Wednesday. I think the best move is to stay as far away from Jericho, as it is the environment with mostly haters, including you and every student of Nevermore, and even if everyone I have ever known lives there, I still know that I can never return.

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