48: A Funeral and an Argument

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Phew, we're finally here!

I was so worried I wouldn't finish the chapter this week lmao. I guess an all-nighter is what does the trick!


"So, let me get this straight," Jensi began. "You're a former Neverseen member, you were sent here on a mission you've now abandoned, and you happen to be the leader of Phoenix? The Black Swan betrayed you? You're working with them despite that?"

"Yes," Sophie said, a little impatiently.

Jensi groaned as he slumped back into the cushions of the couch in Havenfield's living room.

"Well, I guess it does make sense," Marella mused, for the second time. "I mean, your near-perfect control over fire is obviously the work of strict training.

"Yeah, I had a great teacher," Sophie agreed. "But setting that aside for a moment."

She flipped upwards in a swift movement from where she had been leaning over the back of the couch, her head and most of her chest facing the ceiling, and crossed her legs. Leaning onto the armrest, she studied the elves assembled before her.

"I'm guessing you're most worried about whether or not I meant to use you for my mission," she said, and there were winces at how direct her words were. "Allow me to clear that up. I will not deny that I interacted with you guys with the intention of getting something out of it, something other than simple friendship. Biana and Fitz, I planned to spy on Alden's work through you, and get to the things Alvar wasn't privy to. Dex, I used you to get potions. Marella . . . well, I'm sure you know how I could use you, too."

Marella stood up, holding out a hand to cut Sophie off. She glanced around the room before speaking. "I actually have something to say about that. Guys, I've been hiding it the whole time, but—I'm a Pyrokinetic."

There was a moment of silence that followed the sudden announcement.

"Cool," Dex grinned. "It suits you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Marella glared at him, putting her hands on her hips.

"U-uh I mean—you have a super fierce personality—and I think the fire aspect of Pyrokinesis really just fits with that image?!" Dex blurted out, rapid-fire, hands in the air in a motion of surrender. Sophie distinctly heard him whisper under his breath, "Please don't hurt me."

Marella raised an eyebrow, but sat down again. "Sorry for interrupting, Sophie."

"It's fine. I was just wrapping up anyway." Sophie got to her feet as Marella had done just a few minutes before, squaring her shoulders. "I'd like to apologize. For what I was planning to do."

"It's fine, Sophie," Dex smiled, flashing his dimples. "And tell me if you ever need more potions. I'm happy to make them for free."

Sophie returned the expression. "Thanks, but I don't need to cover my scars anymore. I have nothing left to hide, after all."

But I do. I haven't told them about the game, some part of her whispered, and she violently yanked the voice into the back of her mind and stuffed it into a reinforced steel box.

"It's alright, Sophie," Linh promised. "I don't mind."

"Neither do I," Tam said flatly, and then closed his mouth, clearly having no intention of saying anything further.

"You're good in my books, Sophie," Biana said, giving a thumbs up. Beside her, Fitz nodded, and flashed Sophie a brilliant smile.

"And . . ." Sophie turned to Jensi and Marella, who grinned and shrugged, and decided she was fine.

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