Inktober Special: Beast

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Totally not me thinking about bungo stray dogs: beast while writing this ahahahahaha

Im so sorry for how random this is

My brain is on crack rn to distract myself from ✨bad thoughts✨

For their next training session, Pixel generated the holographic creature he'd been working on creating over the past few weeks.

Sophie circled its dormant body, admiring the armoured scales and sharp claws. "This looks like a tough opponent," she said, speaking both into the comms and to her teammates. "Have you decided on a name?"

[It's called BEAST] Pixel told them proudly. [That's an acronym, by the way.]

"What does it stand for?" Ruy asked.

[I haven't decided yet.]

Glimmer facepalmed a little. "Pixel, you can't just make an acronym without deciding what it stands for."

[Who's going to stop me, though?] Pixel grinned down at them from the control desk in the wall. [Get into your positions, guys, I'm going to start the battle.]

They all retreated backwards, sprinting in various directions to get as far away from BEAST as they could. Ruy had a dreadful feeling that Pixel had created a monstrosity capable of levelling a city if it wanted to.

Several seconds later, a plain countryside map flickered to life around all of them. Alvar flipped into the air to avoid slamming face first into a large boulder that Pixel had likely generated in front of him for the fun of it. He shot a glare up at the Technopath.

The BEAST came to life with a roar, swinging its claws and viciously clawing through the grass and trees nearby.

"The armour looks like it doesn't have very many weak spots," Ruy noted, coming to a halt beside Alvar. "Where do we target first?"

But, it seemed that landing a hit was the least of their problems. Pixel's mutated creation lunged at them violently, throwing rocks and bearing its teeth. It went at Sophie first, chasing her across the field as she ducked and dodged and dove out of its reach.

Glimmer, from on top of a tree a fair way off, fired off a few bullets . . . that rebounded straight off the armour.

"Ouch," Ruy observed.

Sophie teleported behind the BEAST, snapping her fingers and slamming a palm-full of fire into its back. The scales melted a little, and the creature howled, thrashing about and sending her flying backwards.

She teleported again before she could slam into anything, tossing balls of Everblaze back over her shoulder at the BEAST.

Ruy refracted the fire off a few forcefields, concentrating the heat into the melted spot of the armour. Alvar took that as his cue to dart forward, sword flashing as it swung in controlled arcs. Ruy covered him from the fire with more shields, and Alvar struck out from behind them, cutting through the damaged scales.

Black blood sprayed outwards, which Alvar narrowly dodged. The liquid hit the ground and dissolved the grass like it was acid.

The map flickered, changing to the cityscape Ruy knew well.

More of Pixel's creatures appeared, crashing through windows and jumping from the top of buildings. If this wasn't a simulated, holographic world, Ruy would've been fearing for his life at this point.

Glimmer seemed to give up on guns, and she drew the sword she kept on her avatar at all times. She never carried this sword in real life, but it came in handy during rank wars, and so it was always at her hip in the training room, sheathed and ready for use.

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