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Being stunned..

Was understatement, Jungkook just can't find words to describe how he feels.
The man is taller than him. His perfectly combed black hair, that shows up his sexy forehead, his dramatically lined manly eyebrows, that thick long lashes covering those dark brown alpaca eyes, that small but perfectly pointed nose, his super soft looking skin,,
And most of all that kissable red plump lips-

Who can breath properly when you stand face to face with these perfection?

Not to mention that fact the he is now smelling that sweet and husky scent-
That's seems bringing him back to some blurd memories-

"We finally met-
Mr. Jeon"

I promise...

That voice was giving him goosebumps -
It was very familiar..

He kindly offered his hand for a shake
But Jungkook was sweating too much, he had to rub his hand on his pants..

"I'm sorry ! I'm sweating!"

But still, this man gripped on his trembling cold hand firmly..

"It's okay..
I am used to it"

You're sweating..

Why those memories?
It's like he's talking to two different but the same person..


"I mean , the weather is really hot in here. People's hands usually sweats-
It's alright. Have a seat Mr. Jeon"

"Yeah , T-thank you Mr. Kim"

"But the weather today wasn't that hot Jin"

That Kim Namjoon smiling on His CEO, and Jin smiled in return..

When the conversation begins Jungkook kept on glancing at The Gorgeous man Infront of him whose talking seriously

"Actually I have this proposal for you Mr. Jeon. Will you hear me out?"

"Sure Mr. Kim, I will be happy to hear it"

Kim Seokjin turn at Kim Namjoon and signalled him to go..

"I'll be having these proposal only for the two of us , so I hope you don't mind if I excuse my CFO here, and same goes with your assistant "

Jungkook and Jimin nods at each other before the later decided to stand up and bow at them..

"Nice to meet you Mr.Kim . I will now leave the two of you. Please enjoy your day. Sir , I think I had to reschedule your meetings on the next hours.. please inform me if anything occurs"

" I appreciate it Mr. Park. I'll let you know. Thank you"

"I'll go ahead . Bye"

He bowed at Jungkook and then at Mr.Kim before going out.

" So what do we have here Mr.Kim "

" A merging Mr.Jeon,."
He watched the way Jungkook reacted..
Then he continues

"Imagine how we can rule the business world when we merge-
The Jeon Corp's plus The Kim Corp's -"

"Can you go straight to the point, Mr.Kim?"

Seokjin leaned on the back rest of his chair before crossing his legs like a Prince..

"Call me Jin, Kookie"

Call me Jin-hyung...

That voice..

Jungkook had to gulp or he wasn't able to breathe..
That name-

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