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The place looks so familiar...
Jungkook trying to remember the place
And his brain is doing nothing good, everything was blurd, until the gate was opened
"Kookie? what brought you here?'

Seokjin was wearing that loose white shirt and black cotton shorts with his hair black and waving down , he looks like Prince who just came from a Modern world, his long black hair are all freely falling down.. he had a white face towel hanging on his sexy shoulder, his face red and sweaty.  Maybe he was working out when he heard the bell rings
Seokjin wipes his sweat..
Jungkook was stunned like a stone.

Jungkook muttered
He were never expected him to show up any moment, he almost forgot about him ringing the bell moments ago. Jungkook had been busy recalling the area, and the man's sudden entrance with  the striking visual does sent him voltage of sting from his stomach up to the heart..

It made him freezed.

His eyes fixed on him, like if he blinks the God of beauty will disappear from his sight.

"You should've called..
If you want to see me, I could've fetched you in the office so you don't have to come here alone. Come, let's go inside"
Seokjin walked towards him before gently grabbing his hands , Interwinding it then pulling him inside the Mansion. Jungkook just let the man takes him inside and he watched how their hands Interwind.. he smiled unconsciously and while Seokjin was busy pulling and leading him inside -
The younger enjoyed watching his back..

And when Seokjin closed the door he turned around and he never expect it coming..
His lips just brushed on him, hands holding the back of his head and the other gripping on his waist -
He could've felt angry.

But instead, it seems like the kiss brought him to the middle of a trance where there's a shower of cherry blossoms, the air sweet and relaxing.. it soothes him.
Until his hands slowly moved on Jin's back..
Those muscles felt amazing in his touch and Jungkook urged to feel it even more, he gripped on his shirt and tugged it upward..
Slidding both his needy hands inside Seokjin's shirt.. skin to skin that was all it takes for him to loose control -

A moan scapes from his lips.

That makes Seokjin open his eyes and watched how the younger enjoys it..
The elder smiled "d'you missed me, baby" his voice soft and sweet , Seokjin tugged his lips and said in between kissing him deliciously

Another sweet moan "hmmmm" he just given Seokjin a silent yes because he was busy kissing back-

Before he open his tantalized eyes to a googly one.. suddenly realization hits him !
He pushed the man forcedly and wipes his lips..
The older was taken a back, stared at him, but didn't say anything.

"How dare you!"
"How dare me ? Wheow ! You enjoyed it!"
Seokjin turn away with a little laughing

"That was a trick!"
"Whose trick? What trick?"
Not him enjoying the younger's denial, Seokjin keeps on suppressing his laughters until Jungkook attacked him with his little slaps on his arms and chest

"Hey!hey! Stop it!"
"I hate you!"
Seokjin catches both his hands.. his face becomes red because of his little laughs..

"Okay.. I'm sorry.. I don't mean that..
Really.. it's just that, whenever I saw you.. your lips -
They're just so pretty.."
Seokjin's serious mode made him stop .. Jungkook's eyes suddenly focused on his thick lashes that romantically covering his beautiful eyes..
Seokjin holds his chin again, and Jungkook unconsciously lifted his face, his mouth opens like it was inviting him again.. intentionally .

Seokjin's eyes went down and stares at those  seductive lips.. not the younger blowing his mind..

"What brought you here?"
His sudden question brings Jungkook back to reality, the kiss he was expecting didn't happen.

The older was just staring at him .. he was sweating handsomely- out of all sweating people he had seen.. this man makes a difference! He smelled still good and looks even more handsome!

But Jungkook had to stop himself from fantasizing the man. Pulling him self together, he tried to regain his posture. Fixing his ties.. No.. loosing his tie.. suddenly the air becoming thick.

"The wedding is coming, and you're not showing up" out of words he said that although that's what really pushed him to drive on his place

"I have a lot of things to finish. And I don't want to stressed you out, they told me you're not okay so I stay away"
Seokjin walked to the kitchen " do you want anything?'"

Seokjin looked at him
"I don't suggest you drink or asked for anything alcohol specially when you are on the other man's house.. that was unsafe"

" you asked if I want anything, and I'm on my fiancee's  house"
" chocolate.. milk.. tea that's what I mean not alcoholic drinks.. and yes! your on your fiancee's house and that's what makes it  more dangerous"

" it doesn't matter what drink I'll be having if you put something in there I'm still unsafe"
Jungkook said while sitting on the couch

"I don't have to do that, you're obviously giving yourself on me without any drinks"

That made Jungkook stand abruptly..
"Oh my god Jin ! I'm not doing that!!!"
He screamed in annoyance, Seokjin just laughed at him shaking his head a little while continuesly preparing his milk he add some cookies on the plate before approaching the younger with the tray on his hand

Seokjin put down the tray, while Jungkook was still standing and glaring at him..
"Hey sit-down"

He said smiling, Jungkook turn away, calming himself before sitting down.. Seokjin takes a bite of the cookie then taking a sip  on his milk before leaning on the backrest of the couch, crossing his legs..

"See I don't put anything on it.. it's safe .. "
He said motioning the milk he just sipped and prepared for the younger

"Do you always do that? Sharing on your visitors drink?!"

"No, I do that to make you feel safe. " he looked at the younger teasingly Jungkook didn't mind, he had some cookie to taste

" why? We just shared a hot french kiss moments ago, so it doesn't matter, you love to taste me anyway. Don't tell me you're not.. when you are exploring and enjoying my mouth more than the cookies"

Jungkook almost choked on the cookie so he grabbed the glass of milk and drunk it

"Why are you so nosy!"

"What's wrong? I'm only telling the truth "

"Oh my god! I hate you Pervert!"
Seokjin rest one of his arms on the backrest of the couch while the other hand teasingly touching his swollen lips and staring at the younger..

"You can ask if you want more"
Jungkook just stared at him before he slowly drinking his milk, their eyes never leaving each other, then putting  down the glass after..

If Seokjin thought he's the only pervert here... Then he's probably wrong!

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