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"what? His business proposal is to marry you?"

Jungkook put down an empty glass of wine and Jimin poured another

A merging"

The thought was stressing him, he can't figure out what to do  .
They Been drinking in the bar after working hours.

"You've seen the man Chim, he's damn attractive and sexy ..."
He sips another wine
"-Without actually making an effort.
Mom was right, he has everything a man could ask..he has everything I could asked for-
But he has this strange thing-
That keeps on reminding me of someone from the past-"

Jimin was staring at him while he was talking , constructing a very right word to say, the last thing he wants was to disappoint him and trigger him on having hallucinations..

"Kook, you're aware that you shut down some memories of your past right? Who knows he can help you with that?"

Jungkook turn at him with blank look on his face..

"Chim , you told me that he's our professor that time-
In that university..

Jimin was alarmed , Jungkook never talks about that university since then

"Kook stop! You don't need to recall anything -
It's okay, alright? Look we're getting drunk I'll drive you home"

"I'm okay Chim, Please don't worry I'm fine, I can drive "

Jungkook tried to Stand but he just fell back on his seat and Jimin had to grip on his waist to balance him..

"Oh my God no! Im not letting you drive with this kind of state Kook. I'm driving you home!-"

"I'll take care of him Mr. Park, pls. Trust me, I'll send him home safe and sound"

Jimin was startled, while Jungkook seems to have a stiff neck , he knew that voice very well and the way it made his heart beats rapidly fast-
Jungkook didn't have to turn his head to check who was it talking to Jimin..

That was so kind of you Mr. Kim but Im sorry to refuse your offer-"

And he didn't expect when Seokjin leans Infront of him and stared him eye to eye...

" I'm not taking a No as answer baby"

His tone were firm and strong although he's smiling at Jimin and the later was melting, If he wasn't aware that this man was offering a marriage proposal to his best friend then he would think that the man was flirting him-
Not to mention the way he get flustered and his cheeks blushed in pink..

Jungkook slammed down his glass of wine and some of it splashed and spilled at Seokjin's arms that is leaning on the aisle of the bar..

"Go home Chim ! I'm fine!"

Jimin seems to be hypnotized by the handsomeness Infront of him and he wasn't even realized that it was the CEO of the Kim's Corp..

"Park Jimin!"

Oh Jungkook-
I-I mean Sir? Mr. Jeon"

Jungkook glared at him making sure to bring him back in the reality-

"I said. You. Can. Go. Home!"

Just then Jimin realized how awkward it was, Jungkook just asking him for advice about the marriage proposal that Mr. Kim was offering -
And now there he is-
Getting flustered by the man !

"Do I need to call Yoongi to fetch you here Chim?, hey, I want another  whiskey!"

"Whoah! -
Calm down Sir!"
Jimin exclaimed and his eyes still locked at Seokjin's flirty stares, while talking at his boss whose already fumming in anger

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