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He's caught up!
This are all crap!

All he can do is nod.
He took the ring and goes on his desk, putting the small box down the table before asking everyone to leave.

"You all decided everything without letting me know. Wow! I'm marrying a man who just came out of no where! Whew! What a plan!-
Tell me Mr. Kim, How much did you paid for all this crap?!"

Seokjin stays silent while listening to his rant.. the man keeps his cool , shoving his hands inside his pockets while walking un-intimedatedly towards Jungkook,

"Without letting you know? I thought I made it clear? Don't you remember Kookie? "
Putting emphasize on the nickname..
Crossing his legs when he sat down on the chair Infront of his desk.
One hand relaxing above his table..

Kim Seokjin showing no signs of intimedation when he looks at him.

Jungkook gulps..
That aura! Really doing something inside him..

"Why are you doing this hyung?"

It just came out.. all of a sudden
Seokjin gave him a weary look straight in the eye..

"Do you remember Kookie?..."

His tone was nothing lower than a whisper.
Inside him, Seokjin's heart is beating fast..

"Remember what?!.."
It sounds strange..
They keep talking like somebody would hear them..

"Did you ever called me like that?"

He kept his gaze at the younger..
His mouth agape.. just then he realized-

"M -Mr.Kim.."

Seokjin was silent.. his narrowed eyes darting him.

"You will never understand anything-
Unless you remembered. I have to leave  now Kookie , don't worry, everything will be alright "

Kookie Everything will be alright...

That same voice..
He heard it then.. somewhere in the past..

"Tell me..  was it you? -"
Seokjin stopped in the middle.. standing on his back
Jungkook stands up..
"Did you killed them? -
Coach Kim!"

He waited.
Seokjin didn't move..
Jungkook's heart almost exploding, tears starting to form in his eyes..
Seokjin didn't answer him ,

"I'll come back in our wedding. Get your self together, Mr.Jeon"

He simply walked out ,leaving the younger stunned.

Jungkook weakly sitback, his head was throbbing so bad , his hands trembling

Picking up the phone to dial Jimin..

"Yes Sir-"
" get in here.. C-chim.. I-I'm-"

"Sir? What's happening? Kookie!?"
Loosing the phone in his hand.. Jungkook collapsed on his desk..


Days have passed, Jungkook was given a bed rest..
Dr. Jung examining him everyday .. going back and forth at Jk's Flat.
Liza stayed there to accompany his hyung,
Jun Jae and Minho takes care of Jinnie , they took the little one on the Jeon's Mansion.

" Are you feeling well now Jk?"
Dr.Jung asked after checking his vitals..
"Why I kept having visions? But I can't remember anything! Doc, It's killing me "

Doctor Jung exhaled before answering
" If you think it's killing you , then don't bother to recall anything "

" I'm afraid..
Hyung.. I felt so afraid"
Jungkook hugged the pillow and turned his back at him.. His eyes gazing nowhere

Hoseok studying him..
"Jungkook, "
He called " are you still trusting me?"

He kept silent, but he nods gently..

Hoseok walked around the bed and sat Infront of him..
"Now.. tell me what's happening. I'm here to listen, don't be afraid"

Dont tell anyone..

Jungkook closed his eyes..

"Are you coming to my wedding ?''

Hoseok smiled..
"Am I invited?"
"Yeah.. you'll get to see him.. "
There's that sweet smile on his face while Hoseok studying his patient..
Ofcourse his certain that the one his talking about is the man he's marrying.. but Hoseok needs to hear it from him..

"The man I love most.. "
The smile on the Doctor faded..

"Is it.. Jinnie's father?"
Jungkook's face become gloomy..
He kept silent.

Don't tell anyone!

" But I don't know him hyung, how can I say that?"

Jin hyung..
Kim Seokjin..
Coach Kim..

He doesn't know If all of them are one..

He kept the blind folds because he was so afraid..
Was he raped?  Something's, he doesn't even want to remember!.
Was he killed them? He's afraid to know..
Is he, his baby's father?
Is it him?

These questions keep bothering him.. and how can he tell his Doctor?
What if he tell them?

"Jungkook, like what I always tell you..
You are the only one who knows the truth..
When you're ready.. just tell me, I'm here to help you"

When Jungkook nods, Hoseok stand up

"Just give me a call"

He take a glimpse on the younger before
Leaving the room .

Upon leaving the house Doctor Jung phoned Jimin ..
'" Good afternoon Mr.Park.,"
"Doctor Jung, what can I do for you?'


Hoseok stands up the moment he saw the man he's been waiting for at the Cafe..

"Hey! Mr. Kim?"
The man is strikingly handsome , Tall and  Gorgeous, he may say..

"I'm sorry Mr.Jung, but my Boss is having a closed door meeting right now . So he had to send me here. By the way, my name is Kim Namjoon, Mr. Kim Seokjin's Personal Assistant "

Namjoon extended his hands on him, and although Doctor Jung felt disappointed because he can't be able to talk to that Jungkook's fiancee he can still ask some questions to his assistant..

"Oh, I see " he took his hands and give him a shake " anyway take a sit ,would you like to order coffee.. or anything"

"Yeah, Macchiato will do"

Then Hoseok called the server,

"One Macchiato please.. anything else?"

Make it an almond-sugar , thank you"
When he smiled , Hoseok almost lost it..
Those dimples and the way he deliver every words..

Was a bit-


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