Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 Summon Brother and End Brother and? Ayu, what do you think of me...

    It's not that Qi Zichen just said that.

    Time goes back 20 years, no one in the Manchu dynasty knows that Qi Pingshan, the general of Zhenyuan, and Shen Mianzhi, the prime minister, are at odds.

    Since ancient times, generals and civil servants have disliked each other.

    But they belonged to the kind of people who couldn't get used to each other but couldn't get rid of each other, they could only quarrel when they had nothing to do, and Qi Pingshan and Shen Mianzhi were respectively in command of civil and military officials, so the relationship was not much better.

    Qi Zichen said: "It is said that once, because of the issue of the soldiers' pensions, the uncle and Prime Minister Shen had a quarrel in the morning court. When the uncle got angry, he just copied the wat board and beat up Prime Minister Shen violently." Shen Zhuo couldn't listen anymore: "     Is it just a show for

    you to be the secretary in front of the palace?!"

I am still young, only eight years old, but I remember that this happened, but it may not be so serious. At that time, His Majesty seemed to have ordered my uncle to go to the Xiangfu to apologize, but my uncle refused." Qi

    Rufei Ask: "Then what happened later?"

    "Later, it seemed that the eldest aunt came forward."

    "My mother?

    " Huajing, he loves to cling to him, and he knows everything about Qi Pingshan and his family like the back of his hand.

    Qi Zichen said: "Although the relationship between Uncle and Prime Minister Shen is not on good terms, Auntie and Mrs. Jiang are on good terms...

    Qi Rufei was completely confused: "Who is Mrs. Jiang? "

    "It's my mother." "Shen Zhuo explained: "After my father married Ping Wife, the servants in the mansion called the two wives by their surnames in order to distinguish them. "

    Shen Zhuo's mother's name was Jiang Li, and the servants called her Mrs. Jiang.

    Qi Zichen nodded, seeing that Qi Rufei seemed to have forgotten everything about the past, so he spoke very carefully.

    "The eldest aunt used to be a medical girl in the palace. Because of her outstanding medical skills, she has been treating Mrs. Jiang's eye diseases, and the two became friends. Although the eldest uncle and Shen Xiang quarreled fiercely, the relationship between the two of them has always been very close. Well, the marriage between the two of you was finalized by them, it is said that it was to ease the relationship between Uncle and Prime Minister Shen."

    Qi Rufei was stunned.

    This is the first time she has heard of people using the marriage of children to ease the relationship!

    And just now Qi Zichen said that her father can even do such things as beating people in the court, and the relationship between him and Shen Mianzhi can be eased!

    The three of them were talking when they saw someone coming from the corridor.

    The visitor saluted the three of them, and said: "The old lady woke up and heard that the young master and young lady brought the uncle back, so she asked the servants to come over and invite the three masters to talk for a while." Shen Zhuo was stunned


    His eyes fell on the messenger.

    During the half day since I came to the General's Mansion, all the servants in the mansion called Qi Rufei Second Miss, only this person was called Miss.

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