Threat Alert

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Sooner or later it had to happen.

"The test will be done next week."

The teacher stood at the blackboard and announced to the whole class about the upcoming test next week.

“As you already know, the one who writes below 30 points will flunk the test.  So don't forget to prepare for it, that's it."

After the lesson ended, the teacher left the classroom.  It was time for the students to relax and everyone went about their business.  I decided to act and went to the place where Itsuki studied on her own.

She is so well focused that she studies during her break.


"What?"  Itsuki looked up from the notes she was reading.

“Nothing, I just want to compliment you for studying even during your break.”

"..." She silently looked at me.

"I also heard from your sisters that you study at home on your own.  You are not late, you do not skip classes, since we are in the same class, I know that you are the most hardworking of the quintuplets."

"Are you talking about me?"

It's time to try the psychological trick.

"Yes, but if you continue to work alone, you will definitely pull yourself to the bottom."

"...You are right.  Maybe…"

"I haven't finished talking yet.  If you alone fail the test, then how will your sisters look at you later?  Yes, the test does not cause many problems, but if it is an exam, then there will be more problems."

Itsuki looks angry, but gradually calms down.

"What do you want to say?"

"Obviously, I suggest you join the study group.  With the help of your mentor, you won't fail this test."

This is a common psychological trick that is used mainly by people who work in banks.  They first speak of a person's inability to pull off a huge debt, after they show their weakness they give the person the last hope for salvation.

Morally weakened people grasp at their salvation without hesitation, in the end they grab what was offered to them.

"Indeed, there are some nuances when you study alone."  she said as she stood up from her seat.

"Don't rush to leave.  Were you going to leave me by asking the teacher for a solution?  Not bad, but it won't help you that much."

"Argh!  Why?"

"Think for yourself.  The teacher can only help you in the teacher's office after class is over.  Other times you won't get help.  But if you join the group, then I can help you with that."

"Sounds reasonable..."

"If you join, I'll bring snacks for the next class."

"I agree!"  she answered instantly.

Why did she agree so easily?

I wondered what would happen if I just offered her a treat?  It doesn't matter anymore.

The main thing is that I was able to get Itsuki to join our study group.

The next person to convince is Nino.



I was able to find Nino fairly quickly.  I met her on the stairs, she was not alone, but with her friends.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka x QuintupletsWhere stories live. Discover now