Chapter 14: Part 1: Billy

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Billy limps towards you and you have no other choice but to run.

"GO!" You scream at Max, Mike and El. They don't need to be told twice.

They start running back through the loading dock, desperately pulling open a door. Max runs to a panel on the wall and slams her hand down on a button and the gates start to close as soon as you run through.

"What's wrong with him?" She asks, her wide eyes tearing as they stared at the figure limping with determination towards her.

"It's not him." Your voice quivers as you push her behind you and towards the doors Mike and El disappeared through.

You both slammed the double doors shut behind you, joining the other two as you pant.

"Did the gates close in time?" Mike asks you.

You go to answer when suddenly the doors in front of you are ripped apart with ease and Billy steps through.

The kids all gasp and you protectively step out in front of them. Your breath stopped once you saw him. Billy's chest began bulging with dark veins, the black lines spreading across to his arms and face. You almost cried. That wasn't Billy. That wasn't your Billy.

"Run!" You scream, pushing the others through the service hallways.

You all rush through the hallways, the overhead lights flickering as Mike points to the end of the hallway.

"In here, in here." He pants, pushing the elevator button.

But it doesn't close in time.

Billy bursts through another door, glaring at your sister.

"You can't have her!" You scream, pulling Max behind you.

Billy stops. He closes his eyes, his shoulders relaxing. When he opens them again, he rolls his neck, taking a breath. His eyes shift to El.

You frown just as Billy walks towards you all, his limp suddenly vanished as he snarled at El.

"Billy." Max pleads, stepping out from behind you. You try to pull her back but she shakes you off. "Billy, you don't have to do this. Billy. Your name's Billy, Billy Hargrove. You live on four-eight-one-nine Cherry lane."

Her cries don't slow him down as he gets closer.

"Billy, please, I'm Max, I'm your-"

Billy suddenly lunges forward and gives Max a backhand, sending her to the floor.

"NO!" You yell.

Mike charges after Billy, trying to land a punch. Instead, Billy grabs Mike and throws him against the wall. The boy falls to the ground unconscious, blood pouring from his nose.

Your breath starts to become irregular, struggling to inhale oxygen. This shouldn't be happening.

El steps out in front of you, raising her arm to use her powers. But nothing happens. You yell out but Billy grabs her, tossing her across the room and knocking her out.

His head turns menacingly towards you, dead eyes staring into your soul.

"He says it's time." Billy announces and you choke back tears. You had never felt more useless. The children you adored were all out cold and bleeding, all because of you.

"What did you do to Billy?" You sob, unable to recognise the boy you met in California.

"No, Y/n..." He stepped forward, his voice warping into the figure of your nightmares, "What did you do to Billy?"

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