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                                                                               the american dream

time and time again,

i lay in bed,

under all the sheets,

and i find relatability.

i see you and i in the art...

when two lovers

are torn apart,

ripped from each other's grip,

yanked at the ankle,

then seemingly dragged away...

having to part and

wishing one another

a sweet and dear farewell,

fighting to hold back tears...

absolutely faced with removal;

when one is picked by

the very hand of God

to be journeying elsewhere...

and the hollowness of knowing

something that was once there

is no longer...

i understand fully.

because in some way,

some slight, miniscule way,

that is us.

every six months

we exist: happy and whole.

then we are pried apart.

separated, severed, uncoupled!

unlike the books and movies,

our situation is of its own.

and i mean that.

as mundane and "normal"

as this sometimes is,

nothing about this is:

quote unquote...normal.

i have fallen

deeply in love

with a man

who is not my own.

across country lines and

through the countless cities

dividing what i know

from what you know,

i have fallen for a man

whom i see

every six months.

because that is

how it has to be.

now i know:

some individuals have it worse.

but i argue: this is my worse.

our worse.

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