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    Light patches of snow coated the ground as Edward Cullen stepped out of his car. Students all walked along the parking lot as they chatted alongside one another. While their thoughts were loud, Edward found himself trying to listen for a certain voice.

One that he had hoped would enter his mind soon. His gaze looked at the spot in which Cassie normally parked, it was empty.

She often would've been here by now, her loud music blasting away into her eardrums. Her eyes glued onto her notebook, and yet she wasn't here.

He shouldn't care so much about her absence, maybe she needed time to think. However he found himself seeking her presence, just to see if she was alive and not going insane.

"She's not here" he turned at Alice's words, her gaze too at the empty parking spot. "Last night wasn't pleasant, she seemed depressed".

Alice gripped Edwards arms "she'll be okay, I'm sure she's just trying to process what she knows. If you're so worried, just go check on her".

Alice smiled at him as she let him go and skipped towards the school door. Edward scoffed, like he'd ever go check on Cassie, she would be fine.

    The week had gone by quickly, each day passed and Cassie was nowhere to be seen. Edward had now reached his limit of not caring, he walked along the sidewalk, his gaze strong on Cassie's door.

Her fathers car was parked in the driveway, which surprised Edward. Normally the man would be off working for the rest of the night, and yet he was here. This made the boy's nerves awaken as he knocked on the door with a loud thud.

He listened to the loudness of the television blasting football. Alongside loud cheers and clapping, the soft hum of footsteps nearing the door, it was her.

Cassie opened the door, she looked miserable as she held tightly onto the blanket wrapped around her frame. "Oh Edward..." she looked at her father who sat on the couch with his friends.

"You weren't at school for a few days" he tried to not sound so desperate for answers. "I got sick, I know bad timing with the whole.. well you know".

She shrugged slightly as she moved back "you can come in, my dads just watching the game with his friends, because apparently it's more important than work". Edward walked inside following her up the stairs "I thought you did something stupid".

She was surprised by his words as she walked into her bedroom. "stupid? I mean yeah at first it was a lot to process, and I damn near almost lost my mind, but I got over it... well sorta".

He frowned his eyes, noticing the bandage on her hand. "You're lying" she let out an annoyed breath "my dad got home early, that night when you told me, and let's just say he wasn't really happy with what he saw... I was in the hospital all week, he thought I was trying to kill myself, now I'm stuck at home, now he's here all the time".

She sat down on her bed and Edward sat down beside her. She looked at him "that's why you're here, you thought I was dead".

He nodded as he looked at her with a weak smile "I didn't want to come at first, Alice told me you were fine, that you needed time". Cassie laughed lightly "I don't think, I'll ever have enough time to process that you're a vampire, it's so wild to me".

She hummed slightly "so is garlic toxic for you? Do you sleep in like old coffins? What about the sun! Is that why you're always disappearing when it's out? Cause it'll burn you?".

𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 𝘐𝘯 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩-𝘌𝘥𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 Where stories live. Discover now