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   One week passed and Cassie felt like she wasted it away. Even if each second she spent doing something important, she still felt like it was wasted away into nothing. The Cullens were nice to her, and she enjoyed walking around their home whenever she couldn't sleep.

She knew they would be there waiting for her, that they'd make her a warm cup of tea and sit with her until she slept. Esme reminded her of her mom, the way she spoke and acted, it was comforting. Most of the time she didn't see Edward, he was off with Bella or just never around when she was awake.

She laid in bed, her body aching as she looked outside. She watched the rain that fell towards the ground. She could hear the loudness of the Cullens in the kitchen, cooking. Bella was coming over, and honestly Cassie didn't want the girl seeing her like this. No one aside from her father and the Cullens knew about her sickness and fate.

In others eyes, Cassie Lockhart just moved out of town. She was away in a new school with new friends and she was happy and not so depressed. That was the life she wanted others to think she held, instead of this one.

She watched as Edward parked his car, helping Bella out of it as he smiled at her. Cassie wrapped the blanket around her frame as her door opened softly "I made you some food sweetie".

Esmes soft voice entered the room and Cassie sat up smiling "thank you". The woman smiled as she placed it onto the small nightstand beside the girl.

"I'll tell you when Bella leaves, I know you wish to keep your presence here a secret". Cassie nodded and then watched as the woman left, shutting the door behind her. Cassie looked outside her fingers running along the window, trialing the rain drops that moved downwards.

She heard the muffled voices of the Cullens, she ate her food ignoring the fact that she felt sick after she finished it. She stood up from the bed walking along the room and just thinking.

She turned when the door opened, she was surprised at the sight of Rosalie. The woman looked annoyed by something as she pushed the door shut behind her, she seemed so lost and angry.

Cassie smiled weakly "I'm gonna assume you aren't fond of Bella, she's a danger for your family, I mean I know I am, but let's be honest, I'll be gone in a few months, and Bella will still be here. She'll still know everything and that makes you unhappy".

Rosalie huffed slightly "you're the only person around here who sees how dangerous this is. It's not that I dislike her or even you, I just... I envy you both for being human".

Cassie smiled "being human isn't really going well for me right now, you should envy Bella more".

She sat down feeling exhausted. Cassie knew the stories of how a vampire is turned, and she didn't wish that fate on anyone.

She pushed her hair back away from her face but paused when she felt it waver into the cracks of her fingers. She pulled it back looking at the clump of it in her palm, it was bound to happen eventually.

"Rosalie, do you have some time on your hands?" the woman knew what she wanted before she could even ask. "Of course I do" Cassie smiled softly.

As she stood up from the bed, "I gotta ask, does your hair grow normally? Like if you decided to chop it off, would it grow back?".

𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 𝘐𝘯 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩-𝘌𝘥𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘯 Where stories live. Discover now