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and so, they made teams. michael was the one to choose. "skylynn and luke is in charge of the black wall, calum and ashton is with the white walls, diana and lisa is gonna spray paint the furniture to black & white, now mali and amanda is in the food department and giving tools while me michael cliffconda is gonna pair up with the two other hoods for painting the ceiling." he basically said like he planned it all along.

"um michael cliffconda, why are we in-charge of the ceiling?" calum asked, "so that i could see if your baby sister is still wearing those teddy bear panties." calum flicked his tongue at michael's response, "just kidding. we're just in-charge of the ceiling okay?" then calum nods and then chuckled. "yes, she wears them sometimes." florine smacks his older brother who is telling all of them when she wears it. "stop embarassing my little sister or i'll kick you out." frustrated mali warned and then all of them sped to their chores.
then, "okay, florine go up to the ladder and paint your ceiling black. leave the fan white." michael ordered, "okay," then she slowly climbed. once she reached the top, "here." calum gave her a bucket of black paint and she struggled to take it but she got it. "i'll just help the others." florine nodded, then while she was painting, calum also went away due boredom.
"aw sky you're adorable." luke giggles, "thank you" skylynn replied, "seems like they have fun." florine mutters as she finished the final piece of her ceiling. she slowly climbs down until, "FLOR WATCH OUT!" lisa shouted but it was too late, florine stepped on a newspaper and slipped but then, ashton catched her. her eyes blink repeatedly as the others start gathering around her, "why do you always get bad luck? is it just me or you are doing accidents purposely?" skylynn blurted out suddenly.

luke scoffed, turning around to skylynn. "i'm sorry, but there are some stuff you can't say to her and there are some you can. and those, are one of the things you can't say to her." he said to her as she shuts up, looking down. "are you okay?" ashton whispered to her, "very okay." she smiles at ashton, "lets get you out of this floor. we need to finish this quick." michael said like he is in-charge but no one chose him he chose himself.

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