chapter 1

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Murtasim was in the village peacefully taking care of the village matters that he heard a gun shot, murtasim ran outside to see his men dead and injured

"Murtasim khan there's noone who can save you now" malik zubair laughed evily and ordered his men to capture him
"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS MALIK" murtasim raged
Malik grinned and asked his men to take murtasim away

In the mansion

Meerubs pov:

"Ma begum I am done with work today I will go and rest for a while"

"Alright, murtasim is coming home today"ma Belgium told merub

" I am well aware of that I will rest for a while than I'll prepare for his arrival"

"As you wish"

Marrying murtasim was the worst decision Like why do I have to take care of all these shitty accounts stuff,was being a lawyer a really bad thing to ask for? ugh
Meerub thought as she walked to her room

"Meerub when are you leaving murtasim I am tired of you at this point"  haya came out of nowhere

"Haya please get out of my way I am really tired and I am in no mood to start an argument with you"meerub replied

Haya scoffs and says"murtasim will be mine one day you'll see"

Meerub rolls her eye, pushed her to the side and walked into her room

"Everyone in this house is mad" meerub says and locks the door

Some time later

I was sleeping peacefully that someone knocked at the door, I got up to see anwar my abu or whatever there and he was worried I wonder what happened

"Meerub...." anwar said

"What happened?" Meerub asked now curious

"Meerub...Murtasim, the mailks captured murtasim"


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