chapter 11

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"Is it possible for him to move next to me?" Meerab asked anwar

"I'll talk to the staff and will inform you"anwar answered

Haya ma begum and mariam came in to meet her

"meerab I am so thankful that you saved murtasim from that bullet thank you beta" ma begum thanked meerab with tears in her eyes

"Meerab thank you so much bhai(brother) owe you for this one"mariam said and sat down with haya and ma begum

Anwar entered and said "they'll move him with you dont worry"

"Oh shukar otherwise we would be going from one room to another it would've been tiring" mariam said

After some time murtasim was moved with meerab, meerab saw how badly murtasim was injured and couldn't hold her tears

"I am sorry murtasim"she started to cry

"Meerab"murtasim spoke with a low voice and meerab got up and went to him she held his hand"i am here murtasim"
He looked at meerab and smiled with all his energy

"Thank you"

Meerab sat with murtasim not caring that she herself is injured until he slept caressing his head

What is this that I am feeling?am I in love with this man

after murtasim was asleep meerab went and layed down on her bed, she looked at murtasim as she realized that she actually is in love with that man

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