chapter 7

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Meerabs pov

"You are actually here, that was quick gotta admit" malik zubair said

"Obviously I would be quick, my husband is being held captive,Do you expect me to relax?" Meerab said

There was alot of distance between them

" so?" Malik zubair said

"So what?" I inhaled, I knew what was coming next

"The documents"

Goddamnit the documents

"I will hand over these documents only if you tell me where murtasim is"i am on the phone with anwar and he is listening to every word

"So this is what we're gonna do?" Malik asked

"Yes, tell me where he is right now"

"damn you learned alot from murtasim"

"Obviously "

"Hand over those documents"

"Tell me where murtasim is first" I argued

"He's safe with us give the documents and we'll give him to you"

"You know what? I am not handing these over until I see murtasim with my own two eyes, bring him here"

Malik zubiars pov

Murtasims wife Is something but as long as I get those documents and make my father proud of me I'll do anything
So I ordered one of my men to bring murtasim behind my fathers back, that's risky considering my father but I have to do something to get these documents she even have some men with her, damnit murtasim taught her well

"Murtasim is on his way" I told her

Meerabs pov

"Alright I'll wait in the car than" I said and went back in the car

Anwar aka my biological father were sitting there

"Call him and ask if he was successful in finding murtasim" I was talking about waqas aka the one who adopted me when I was a baby

"He isnt picking up" Anwar said

I was getting really anxious at this point

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