chapter 2

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"WHAT" meerub was shocked

"Bakhtu came, he himself was badly injured meerub pray for him me and waqas  will go for him"anwar told meerub

Meerub was too stunned to speak she didnt know what to do murtasim was her husband after all and he always sided with her,

These emotions I cannot even explain I am so worried about him ya allah protect him.

Anwar left with some of his men in search of murtasim

meerub was sitting with ma begum haya and mariam who were all worried about him

"You are happy arent you meerub?" Haya spoke

"Why would I be happy about my husband being captured by his enemies?"meerub replied

"That's what you wanted right? You dont want him or his companionship"

"The heck is wrong with you haya cant you see everyone is worried go and pray for him"

Meerub left and walked outside in their garden

Back In the living room

"Ma begum see how she replied and went outside I told you and I warned you, she doesnt care about him the only thing she is worried about is herself" Haya said

"Haya get a hold on your tongue cant you see ma is already worried?" maryam said

In the garden

There is no way I am sitting here doing nothing, Murtasim must be going through alot right now and i dont want to imagine that ya allah protect him

I went back to my room to pray for murtasim that my phone rang

"Assalamualaikum(hello)" meerub spoke

"Mee...rub.." this was murtasim voice and he didnt sound well he was coughing what the hell are they even doing to him

"Murtasim murtasim are you alright? where are you? what have they done to you?" Meerub panicked

I heard mailk zubair and malik mukhtar laughing in the background

"Meerub that's you name? Anyways if you want to save him bring us the documents of our lands and he'll be with you in no time" malik zubair said

"What the heck are you saying those lands are his property " meerubs voice cracked

"I dont give a flying fuck to what you think, bring those documents or you'll meet murtasim lifeless" malik zubair laughed

"DONT TOUCH HIM I'LL BRING THESE DOCUMENTS TO YOU," tears fell out of her eyes imagining what murtasim is going through

"I'll give you the address" malik zubair said

"Can I please talk to murtasim for 2 minutes"meerub asked

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