chapter 15

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Meerab got discharged 3 days ago and murtasim will be arriving home today so everyone is preparing the house for his arrival

Meerabs pov

"Bibi, Khan is here" a maid came running in with excitement

"Be careful with this, don't let it burn murtasim loves this dish" I said and went outside where I saw ma begum haya and Mariam already waiting for him

"Come here meerab" ma begum said "stand right there" i did what she told me to do, murtasim came out of the car to him being showered with rose petals.
Ma begum went and hugged him

"Ya allah shukar" she kissed murtasims forehead " you dont realise how happy I am to see you murtasim, allah has been very merciful"

"Bhai allah ka shukar  you are back safe and sound we all missed you" mariam was very happy

"Murtasim I am really glad you are alive, meerab tried her best to take your life. I was dying to see you like this. This was all her fault" haya pointed towards me "from the day you married her nothing has been the same you have been facing difficulties, she has such a bad luck she dont deserve you"

"Haya stop with this nonsense, cant you see bhai just came home" mariam said

"Where's the lie?"

Ma begum slapped haya "I have had enough of this nonsense haya, musrtasim just came home and what you had to say is how meerab got hum kidnapped, GO TO YOUR ROOM" ma begum was furious

Haya ran back to her room crying and ma begum diverted her attention back to murtasim " dont worry I'll handle her, go and meet meerab"

He was looking at me the whole time with eyes filled with love

Ma begum and mariam went inside, the maids following them

"I am so glad to see you like this again,Murtasim" I started

"How gorgeous" he said politely


"You are so pretty meerab, I couldn't take my eyes off of you"

"clearly" I blushed, he made me blush

"Comeone the food will get cold" I said dragging him inside the house because he wasnt moving and was continuously staring at me

God, this man

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