chapter 3

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"Can I talk to murtasim for a second?"meerub asked

"A specific reason?" Malik asked

"I want to ask him where the documents are"meerub replied " and u better not put me  on speaker"

"As long as I get the documents of those lands" malik held the phone near murtasim ear

"Murtasim where are the documents?" Meerub asked

"Meerub please not the documents I cannot do that" murtasim was helpless

"Just tell her where those damn documents are"malik said

"Oh wait sorry murtasim I do know where they are, ma begum told me where all these stuff are now malik I know I am on the speaker, you are too stubborn to listen anyways tell me the location "

Malik told me where I had to come to hand over the documents, I knew he wouldn't let me speak to him privately, I just wanted to make sure if those are important for murtasim and they are I am definitely not handing those to him.
I called anwar aka my biological dad after this

" Assalamualaikum where are you?" I asked

"We are heading back home" anwar replied

"What about murtasim"

"We couldn't find him"

" I am sending you a number track it"

" why"

"Just do it and tell me after you are done tracking it"

"Meerub please we dont have time for your silly little games right now"

" please it's for murtasim I swear, the mailks called me and I just forwarded their number track it murtasim is there with them" meerub said


"Calm down and track the number I'll tell you in detail after,we dont have Time also come and take me with you"

"Meerub it's not safe"

" I have to be there I have a plan, come here secretly i dont want ma begum or the others to know"

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