Chapter One

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Ready.. Set.. Go!

i make my way down the hall. walking slowly, taking in the sights and scents of the newly opened attraction. for the longest time, roxanne's go kart race had been closed for maintenance. i had reserved tickets for myself and my brother to come to freddie's pizzeria a long while back, i had to wait until he was older to make sure he wouldn't die like all the.. dumber kids.
go karts, though, have been a thing i've loved all my life. hell, when i got my drivers license the first thing i bought was a track car to race my friends with. it was amazing even though my mom was pissed. well.. pissed is an understatement. but after a long argument we decided i'd use her car for everything and i'd be forced to leave my miata at the track. mainly because i wouldn't dare racing her car on the streets and she doesn't want her only daughter dead right after she hit her twenties.
my eyes land on a metallic purple motorcycle. my guess is a 300cc. it's beautiful, slick. looks like it's never been used before. bought only for display. a small child darts past me, heading straight towards it and the concerned voice of its mother follows after.
"Carter? Carter-! get back here, don't touch that!" she's yelling.
i hate children, but as the blonde baby turns to look at my i give it a small smile. it doesn't kill you to be nice to someone. the second the child looks away i drop the smile and squeeze the card in my hand.
the edgy music in the speakers and the black lights along with everything being so bright and dark all at once. it's exhilarating. i can't wait to get on the track.
i approach the.. er- what's it called again? s. t. a. f. f. bot? i'll just say staff. that's easier. i hand the bot my card and it scans, then slides to the side. i step past it and it quickly reassumes its position.
i spot a poster and smile a little as i look over the animatronics. freddy, of course. the star of the show. roxanne. chica, as cute as she is her voice annoys me. some dj dude? and a crocodile. i never bothered to learn his name.. i'm not a fan of mini golf so it likely won't matter anyways.
further down the hallway i see the walls lined with trophies. loads of them. old tires and expensive tires line the walls, decorating it nicely. confetti lay strewn about the ground.
as i approach the small group of people i hear a wail from behind me. i turn my head to see the mom walking away from the staff bot with her child thrashing about in her arms. screaming and crying to a robot that doesn't have feelings. when my attention returns to the group, roxanne appeared in front of us. she's taller than us, and definitely a robot. her demeanor is relaxed and it feels like she's staring at me. or- at all of us individually all at once. she goes over the list of rules which is the basic 'the helmet you choose is the color of your kart. wear your seatbelt. wear your helmet. there's an emergency button that will immediately stop the race for everyone but only use it in emergencies.'
i don't bother listening to most of it but one thing catches my attention.
"and the most important rule," she says, "don't bother trying to win. and don't be a sore loser. no one can beat me." followed up by a wink.
i feel the corners of my lips curl up into a grin. game on, robo wolf. i'm about to rock your world.
we file in after her, following her to another room that's lit up blue so we can properly see the colored helmets. a blonde popular looking middle schooler grabs the pink one. someone who looks twelve grabs the blue. a boy who looks like a vampire grabbed the red one. a red headed chic grabs orange. an old man takes green and i settle in with yellow. this is okay, i like yellow. it's pretty, like daisies.
after everyone's grabbed their helmets and we've adjusted the straps, the older man needing assistance, we line up, facing roxanne. she looks over us, likely scanning us to see if we've done everything correctly.
"are we ready, racers?" she asks, then a door clicks and slides open. she leads us out and towards the track, down a little slope and onto the raceway. i make my way to the yellow kart. it's decorated in flames meaning it probably isn't really a good kart. i find the break and gas pedals after i buckle myself in, tightening the buckle so it fits properly.
the surrounding music grows tense, filling the air around us with suspense and anticipation. the kids giggling around us while the old man makes a groaning sound. i look over at him to see if i can figure out why he's here since i didn't see a kid with him but am interrupted by an audio of a car engine revving.
"racers!" roxy's voice yells over the intercom even though she's not talking, "are you ready!?"
i rev my engine and lean forward a little bit, my game on smile returning to my lips as i look over at her.
"get set!" i look forward and take in a deep breath.
"Go!!" before she's even finished the word both me and roxy have already taken off, heading faster and faster down the track leaving everyone else behind. but not by much. i have my foot already pressed all the way down against the gas as i squeeze the wheel.
my hands are white with effort as i drift around the first corner, burning a little rubber as i go. a chuckle escapes my lips as i whisper a small 'oops'.
this is how the race goes for a few more seconds, me barely making it around corners, everyone else slowly inching around them. and then there's a straight line.
this is exactly like the track at home, and even though these stupid attraction karts are super fucking slow and this track is a little tighter, it's still natural to me.
i'm getting closer and closer to roxanne as we go, too. each passing second she's nearer and nearer. I clench my jaw as i approach the final corner, drifting around it and around her. i lift my hand to give her a peace sign as i do so before going back to the race. relaxing only a little.
this is still a race and i still need to win. this straight line could give me leverage and i'm ahead of Roxy.
Everything flashed red and i flew forwards. my seatbelt not doing the one fucking job it was assigned to do. my face shielded by the helmet just barely as my head slams into the steering wheel and everything goes fuzzy. my ears feel muffled now as a slow siren begins to play. i take a moment before sitting up, the world around me spinning and stretching in peculiar ways.
I reach up and place a hand on the helmet, sliding it under and unbuckling it, lifting it off my head before standing up. my seatbelt unbuckled itself which forced me to face plant into the steering wheel.
the sirens noises making my head throb and finally they stop. Roxanne disappeared and so as i make my way down the straight i see a pink helmet laying on the ground. the popular girl must've hit the button. i make my way around the corner, the yellow helmet straddled on my hip as i watch two paramedic bots lift the scared girl. she's uninjured, she's just a pussy. i look around in a daze. did no one see me eat shit? why's no one helping me? why're they helping her?
i stumble on forwards, closing my eyes as the wall im facing flashes with a green light, then a voice over the speaker echoes "please make your way to the exit indicated with the green wall. move as fast as you can."
i groan as i plug my ears to the best of my ability, carefully and slowly making my way to the exit. it's a miracle i hadn't passed out yet. i don't see roxy the whole time i go and when i make it to the exit i just give the staff bot my helmet. i don't think i can nor have the will power to actually put it away. i leave and find myself in a new hall. my hands drop from my ears to my sides as i slump through.
well, might as well meet up with Peyton, or at least head to the food court. i really only came here for the go karts and to meet Roxanne but that didn't go very well. i run my fingers through my hair as i reach into my back pocket grabbing my phone with my other hand. we're supposed to meet at 4 to grab food and as my screen flashes to life, it shows that it's only 3:26. oh well, that'll give me time for my head to catch up with the rest of my body. when i exit the hallway i'm greeted with a large.. mall. or that's what it says it is. the ceiling is high and there's bright neon lights everywhere. fuck i need tylenol like an addict needs nicotine.
i walk around for a few minutes and finally locate the escalator to get to the food court. when i step on i find it relaxing not having to walk. my head throbs a little less but my stomach begins to churn. i take in a deep breath through the nose and immediately find the cure to my stomach. i'm starving. i'll just text Peyton now to meet me here.
reaching into my backpocket and pulling out my phone i once again turn the screen on. his name lights up at the top of my screen and i tell him to meet me at the food court whenever he's done with what he's doing. then i turn it off and make an attempt to slide it back in my pocket only for it to fail. i turn to see where it went, knowing i will literally cry if it's fallen down to the bottom of the stair case but i change my mind, deciding that would be better than what really happened.
a tall, muscular man with blue eyes stares at me for a moment and glances down at his feet where my phone lay propped up against his shoe. when he looks at me, he doesn't look away, the whole time he leans down and grabs my phone, then holds it out to me. his mullet of dirty blond hair giving him a ragged edge. woah.
my heart is skipping beats. i'm pale. my head hurts. i take my phone from his hand and successfully slide it into my pocket this time. "oh- great.. thanks..?" i say, trying to get his name. he doesn't work here though he looks like he might. he doesn't have a name tag but i still feel deceived.
"billy." he responds, somehow knowing what i mean.
"billy." i repeat. "thank you, billy."
he stares at me for a few moments longer. i was pale before but i can feel the blood in my face flushing out even more anyways. i feel so sick. how?
"you are?" i almost didn't hear him. almost.
"mm- right." i show him my card, revealing my name as i give him a sort of half smile.
"huh. most people just say their names." he comments. i shrug and slip it back in my back pocket. he takes a step towards me just when i thought the conversation was over and a small sense of dread and excitement twists in with the hunger in my stomach, making it growl. i furrow my eyebrows together as i take in a sharp inhale, willing it to shut the fuck up. this happens every time i meet a cute guy or one talks to me. my body goes against me and fuck. is it bad that i want to jump over the edge of the escalator to get out of this situation? maybe. probably.
"hungry?" he snickers.
"..yeah, that's why i'm going to the food court, genius."
"tsk. yeah, you have a point." he says, a small smile making me turn my back to him. i wrap my arms around my stomach to keep it silenced. almost there. almost to the top. then i'm done.
"let me get you something." i hear him say but i shake my head.
"i'm with my brother, don't worry, i can pay for myself."
"okay." he says. fuck. why am i so fucking mean? i'm gonna jump over the edge of this fucking escalator. i hate myself. fuckkk.

//2190 words??? holy shit! i can retire with this alone 😭 jk. i wish. thank you all for reading this far and if you like it please share and give me a vote! i'll try to post often 💅 love you all babesss especially you bbg yk who you are 😩

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