Chapter Six

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Alligators are mean enough as it is. Fuck- I'm terrified of them, to say the truth. But between my irritation at the absence of answers and the continuous conquests of limitations I can't be bothered with phobias.
"What's all this hate around Billy?" I asked with a growl. Well. Almost a growl. It was an attempt at forcing an answer.
Between all the bull shit and my brother having got caught I somehow forgot he was a robot. A robot that ignored me. A robot that I just punched in the shoulder out of anger. As quickly as I had my hand to my side a jab of pain shot through my arm. He punched me, too.
"Hey!" I said, stopping and crossing my arms. He didn't turn around. He seemed to barely notice me. After what felt like an eternity he stopped. Maybe twenty feet away.
"I can't talk about it." He said firmly. But he didn't move. He didn't look at me. He was just frozen there. I clench my jaw as I stare at him. Waiting for something but he still isn't moving. After another eternity I step forward, walking to him and peeking around him. His eyes are black. Monty shut off.
Now that I think about it.. his voice sounded strange. Forced almost. Was he shut off for considering telling me?
"There you are."
That familiar voice I swear to god I felt like I longed for so long startled me and I spun around with my fists raised only to meet those oh so familiar eyes.
Billy. He had a look of concern scribbled over his features and my hands lowered to my sides.
"What's wrong with the rust bucket?" I asked, pretending like I wasn't about to sock him in the jaw.
"I.. don't know." Billy said, his gaze lifted to look at Monty over me, then he circled around so he was standing in front of the stiff animatronic. "Should we take him to maintenance?" I asked, stepping to the side. Sort of distancing myself from Billy. There's so many secrets going on and I don't want him to be suspicious. I just.. kind of want to figure out what's up.
"No, I'm sure he'll be fine."
"I.. don't think so."
"This happens sometimes."
"How would you know?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I tilt my head.
Billy sort of pauses and chuckles a little. "Same way I know Peyton is waiting for you at the front. I work here."
I could hear Sun Drops voice in my head. 'I don't really like the other security guard' or something like that.
"Security?" I ask.
Billy nods. The outfit must be to blend in or something. To make it easier for him to spot out the bad guests. Somehow, though.. I feel less safe. Sure it makes sense that he'd know Peyton's name and would be able to easily fish out me and my brothers relationship either by looks or by asking him directly but still. It kind of put me off in a way.
"Okay.." I sort of hum under my breath. Somehow.. it feels safer to be with Monty. Like.. he knows something. Something I should know right now.
"Then we should go. It's closing time right about now, isn't it?" I asked.
That expression of his went from the curious one he had as he searched Monty to a sort of relaxed domestic looking expression.
"Mmm.. special guests get special privileges.." he said with a hum as he approached me. I fought every instinct I had to step back.
"Oh yeah?" I asked with a small smirk. Forced. "Am I a special guest?" I hum, stepping towards him.
"Of course. Now let's get your brother. This place is way cooler at night." He says as he takes my hand, pulling me along behind him towards the exit.
That's when I remember it. My dad at the table of our living room. Reading his dumb paper like he did every morning. The cover. I was only twelve around the time but I will never forget what it said.
A chill runs up my back as my eyes shift over ti Billy who's walking all too relaxed next to me. My posture doesn't change and he doesn't seem to notice my eyes on him.
Five dead children in the original Freddy's pizzeria. Owner not found. They kept opening as children continued to die.. the night guards quitting after only a week of work... five nights usually.. some lasted seven.
"How long have you worked here?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going.
"Not long.. maybe three weeks." He said. I bit my tongue and looked forward. Maybe that means it's safer now? Maybe the animatronics aren't as strange and.. the technology has to have improved by now.. right? So.. no more dead children and no more wanky bots and.. long-term security guards. I.. hope.
"Three weeks.." I repeated.. still almost sounding surprised, "you know most guards don't last that long.." I said with a sort of hum. I want to see if he'll open up about anything going on here.
"Oh look." Billy said almost as if on queue. Skipping my question entirely. The exit had just revealed itself around a corner but Peyton wasn't anywhere in sight. What on earth?
"Where's my brother?" I asked, narrowing my eyebrows as I stared forward. Billy seemed to be looking as well. A confused staff bot seemed to be looking around.
What. The. Fuck.
I turned to Billy and balled my fists up. "Hello? Where the actual Fuck is he?" I almost yelled but my voice is just low enough not to be that loud.
"I don't fucking know." He said in a mocking tone before turning and speed walking in a new direction.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked, making my way in front of him and holding out my arms in a 'what the hell' gesture.
"I'm checking the cameras." He said, stepping around me and walking faster now. I look at him and then the exit and groan a bit before crossing my arms.
"Then I'm staying here. He'll come back!" I say, needing to yell now as the distance between us grows.
Then.. it's quiet. He's gone and I'm alone once again. I crack my knuckles as I look around at the decor that kept this place so.. lively. Especially now with no one here.. it was so... big.
I can't really remember how long it took them to build this place. Definitely a good long while.. but still. The budget must've been huge.
After maybe ten minutes of just walking around pointlessly I come to two conclusions. Neither of them are coming back. I did, however, spend a good time of it in the bathroom so I can't really say much. I retraced my steps back to go find Monty again but when I reached the hallway he wasn't there. A few scratches of metal lead to the center of the hall and just.. stopped.
Something is going on and I have no clue what to think.
Maybe I can't think. Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought I did. Speak of the devil I guess.. the headache returned a while ago but I've just realized it faded. Now all that's left is the soreness on my face. And a strong feeling that I shouldn't sleep for a while. Most people who get concussions can't sleep for.. how long was it? Eight hours? Six? Fuck..
I pulled out my phone, dismissing the 20% warning and searching the answer.
Nothing came up.. nothing specific at least other than the 'keep someone with you for 12-24 hours'.
"Thanks, google." I mutter sarcastically under my breath before I shut it off and slide it into my pocket with a soft groan. "What do I do if I'm.." I say, spinning around, "utterly alone?"
Then I hear a click and the light at the end of the hallway flips off. I take in a sharp breath.. fully expecting a horror scene of the lights turning off as they get closer but.. they don't. The nursery light and the hall light outside it are dark. Wasn't.. wait- didn't that sun guy say the lights have to stay on?
I narrow my eyebrows as I catch a small sound coming from the end of the hallway.. then a sort of cackle. Definitely not sun.
I start running the opposite way.
The laughing gets louder.
My head hurts so bad.

//I'm not dead? Somehow. Life has been chaotic to say the least and let me tell you a LOT has happened and I low key forgot I was writing this until my favorite girl reminded me to keep writing. I started this chapter a while ago and today remembered to finish it so hopefully updates will be more frequent. Love and peace.

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