Chapter Five

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Play Doctor With Me, Sun

the infirmary is what you'd expect. it's decorated in little stickers all over the walls, cute chibi versions of the pair sun and moon.
"here, friend, sit down here for me and i'll get you all patched up." he says and i listen because what else would I do.
he hums a catchy tune as he grabs a few things, an ice pack, and a couple other things that i don't know the names of.
i look down at the damage and it sort of pieces together. at the raceway, my whole body slid forwards so likely these markings are from the steering wheel, seat belt, and stick shift.
the ones on my.. chest- im assuming those came from the chin of the helmet. my neck must've folded a bit.
wow, i look beat up.
"here, friend." i hear the chipper voice of the daycare animatronic speak and look up, he's gingerly holding out a small ice pack, wrapped in a soft but thin looking fabric. i take it and press it against the bruise at my lower stomach first, deciding to work my way up.
"can you lift your arms for me?" he asks, watching over me. god he's tall. i do as he says, though reluctantly. i know why he asked and to put it simply, i don't mind it, but i don't like being so exposed.
he pulls my shirt over my head and folds it nicely before setting it on the counter of the small room. then he guides me down onto my back.
"let's restart," he says, eyeing over my marks and returning the ice pack to my bruises, "what happened today?"
"i crashed in roxanne's raceway." i say, biting my lip a little as the cool of the metal on his fingers traces over my bruises once more.
he makes a sort of tutting sound as he does so, shaking his head in disagreement. "i never liked the idea of them letting children race so quickly. i knew it was dangerous." he says.
"yeah.. normally this is no problem for me but my seatbelt didn't work and so.. i crashed into my own kart. they put the emergency breaks on them.. so..." i respond.
he again is quietly tracing the bruises and somehow, even though i didn't notice them before, they feel better. just from his touch.
"even then, sunshine," he looks at my face now, "it still proved dangerous, no?"
he's right. i sigh softly and relax against the bed. it's comfortable, and i close my eyes for a moment to just breathe. today has been.. rough. i squeeze my thighs together a bit as i think about billy. fuck..
"did you get hurt here, too?" sun asks, his hand moving to my legs and my eyes shoot open as i sit up. "no- no- not at all. i'm fine, i think-" i give him a flustered smile for over reacting and lean back, propping myself up on my elbows. "i was just.. thinking."
"oh? about what, friend?"
"what happened to 'sunshine'? i kinda liked that."
"o-oh- sunshine?" he asked, i feel like he's blushing. even though i don't think he can.
"mm.. it's cute."
"thank you.. but- er- sunshine.. what's on your mind?"
i lean back, my elbows keeping me up still but as i relax they end up forcing me into a sort of arch.
"this guy.. he came from no where and offered to help me and then he did.. and he gave me something good.." i lift a knee slightly and smile, "but.. then he left like twenty minutes later. he said he'd find me but it's almost closing time and I haven't seen him.." i let out a soft sigh afterwards. a cool hand is placed against my cheek and i look over at sun. "don't worry about men, sunshine. relationships.. they come and go. i don't think i've had a friend for very long.. it's hard. all these little children come in. new ones every day. it's so fun to have them around, to make so many friends but at the end of the day they leave and.. well.. it gets easier."
i look at him and blink a few times before cocking an eyebrow. "isn't that what you're built for? is caretaking? you're an animatronic.. aren't you?"
he's silent. and he stays that way for a few minutes. touching up one of the last few bruises before moving on. "it's odd to me, too. because i think i feel the same things humans feel."
now i'm the quiet one. i slump back against the bed and let out an exhausted sigh.
Sun, still quiet, slides a finger under my bra strap and slides it down my shoulder, sending a shiver through my body. i perk up a bit and look at him.
"what're you doing?"
"i need to see the whole thing to make sure it's properly treated. would you like me to take this off?" woah. i hesitate for a few seconds before pushing myself up more. he's right for needing to see it and i'm already this far stripped but.. he's a daycare attendant. He reaches around and with more ease and grace than i think possible, he slips the other strap down.
"That's as far as it goes- okay?" I say, trying not to pervert myself with any man who looks my way.
"what do you mean?" sun asks.
"i'm not used to.. this."
"what's.. this?" he asks, tilting his head.
i sort of half shrug and shake my head. "after everything with that guy- my whole body just wants to be touched and i want to be felt by someone and.. well- you're giving me it but for a whole other reason than what i want- if that makes sense and i don't.. want to be a perv."
sun takes the ice pack and is pressing it to the newly exposed bruise as i'm talking.
"you mean.. you want me to be a human?" sun asks. i shake my head and laugh a little at the idea.
"no. no- god, no. i like you way better like this, sunny. you have a better character than most human men i've ever met. You'd lose that the moment you turn to flesh and bones."
he seems to smile and hums a little, "you really think so?" he asks.
i nod.
"then.. even though i'm not human.. could i still help you?"
"uhm.." i hesitate a moment. i don't really know what he means by that, "no- I.. don't think I'm equipped for more today."
He's silent for a long moment before the small whirs of his movements begin again. He works at my bruises and marks. Icing them away with packs and just gently running his warm fingers along my torso. I don't mind. Why would I?
"Can you describe him?"
"Huh?" I look over at him with a confused expression. "Describe who? Peyton?" I ask.
"No. The um.. guy." He said with a smile, somehow seeming fully interested in what I have to say.
"Erm.. I don't know- he's.. tall. Dirty blond. His name is Billy-"
"Billy?" Sun cuts me off, repeating the name? His movements froze and his gaze is on me. These animatronics are getting more and more humanoid and it's low key pissing me off.
"Yes.. Billy." I say.
He goes quiet for a few minutes. Frozen in place. Gears seem to be whirring almost as if he was thinking- weirdly.
"Don't." He said before walking past me to grab the shirt he'd folded. I find myself sitting up to watch him.
"Don't what?. Why is everyone telling me no and not giving me any reason?"
"Because we have to follow the rules and I'm setting a rule for you right now, sunshine." Sun drop said firmly as he held out my shirt. Like I was being talked down to.
"You can't do that without giving me a reason." I say back before fixing the bra straps and pulling my shirt on.
"I can and I am. I don't want you to get hurt." He says as I pocket one of the ice packs.
"No." He said as he opened the door for us to leave the infirmary.
"I don't- fine. But can I at least pay you back?" I ask as he walks me towards the exit of the day care.
"i'm not sure how you intend on paying me back and while i do have a few ideas.. never mind- here's the exit. bye bye, have fun." sun says with a bright smile and i step out. i feel horrible. but, i can't stay here forever.
Sun shuts the door behind me and the area goes a dark black. i turn and begin walking.
What the absolute fuck is going on?
i take about three and a half steps before im interrupted from my thoughts. monty gator is standing about another two and a half steps away from me. i stop dead in my tracks.
the animatronic uncrosses his arms and rests them at his sides.
"your brother is a rule breaker. we have him at the front, he's waiting for you." the gator growls. i bring my hand up and brush my fingers through my hair as i listen to him talk. what did peyton do? if anything i'm the rule breaker, not him. I mean- i literally had the daycare robot fucking- in the infirmary.. the one robot not built to do any of that.
but whatever it is, monty is already leading the way. and slowly at that.
"hey, so uh.." i say, trying to strike up a conversation with the gator animatronic, "mini golf, eh? it's pretty fun isn't it? i hadn't played it till today and i guess i'm not half bad at it."
"be quiet."
okay then. that was.. a nice conversation. i wonder what's clanging his pipes. normally these animatronics are supposed to be nice, aren't they?

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