Chapter Seven

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SOS Monty

A trap, maybe? I mean- Billy was in the control room. With the cameras and shit. And Peyton. Where the hell is Peyton? I tumble down a hallway and push open one of the doors and close it behind me. Then I look around and a table, pulling it in front of the door. Then I look for a camera. I search all the obvious places but when I don't see one I let myself breathe. Then I hear the metal tapping. Or... crashing. Metal feet slamming into ground as whoever they're holding cackles right past me. Then a voice. Somber, deep, and threatening calls out. "Wherever you are, darling, I'll find you~"
I sit down and lean back against the wall as I close my eyes. Nightmare. I'm in an actual living fucking nightmare. I pull up my shirt and look down. The redness has gone down and so has the swelling. That is such a relief.. my head aches. It doesn't hurt when I stay still but when I move around there's a consistent hammering right on the back of my head. I close my eyes as I lean back against the cool wall. I need to think.
So, Billy is an enemy. He wants to kill me. But why would he eat me out if he wanted to off me? Or maybe did I just get in his way? He took me as a dumb- no- because he seemed stressed out about my brother. Maybe he wants something from us? And I kept wandering around so he wanted to put me in a single place? Maybe it's so he can easily find me later? But then... why Monty? He didn't do anything? And he didn't come from the direction he went for the cameras. I rake my fingers through my hair with stress. One things for certain; right now, I know nothing except the animatronics don't like Billy and get punished speaking out against him. Which means one thing... Monty considered it. So I need to find him.
I close my eyes to map out where I am. I headed to the right side of the building but I didn't get far. He's somewhere on the left. The maintenance room is there. I open my eyes. Okay- there has to be a fire escape route somewhere. It'll be a perfect map. I know there isn't one in this room so I quietly take away the table and slip outside of the door. I listen carefully around me, not knowing where the moon drop guy is, Assuming that's Sun's other half out here.. there might be a chance I won't die immediately. But I don't want to risk it unless it's absolutely necessary.
I chew on my tongue as I walk carefully along the walls, staying in the shadows to avoid surveillance. I think- and hope- Billy still believes im in that room. I find some things that I pick up as I walk. Like a protein bar, water bottle that may or may not be stolen, and a keychain. A souvenir.
I pocket them all in darkness and smile a little as I think about it. I'm Batman, guys. Anyways. I crawl away from there and continue heading towards where I think the maintenance room is. Then I see it like a golden ticket. The kitchen. There's an escape route in there. There always is. A map. However, getting there will be a struggle. I assess it for a longer time than I should've before realizing there's a vent that would take me directly inside. I sneak around before quietly pulling it off. Which was easier than it should've been. I slide in and pull it into place behind me. Then I go to the second one and gently push it out. As I climb down and put it back into place I realize this might actually be designed for that. For someone to crawl through it. And it gave me the creeps.
I find the map and approach it but irony strikes me as I get close. Darkness, it seems, is what's keeping me safe from Billy. But darkness is also the only possible reason I'd get trapped or killed by Moon Drop. And for some reason... I don't know which is worse. But I see it. The route from here to the maintenance room. The quickest route possible goes right past the security room. The other one would follow those metal tracks.. and it would take me around to the back of maintenance. Then I close my eyes and run my fingers through my hair. I can't go into the back. At the Freddy's Pizzeria - Sister Location some guys organs got scooped out by the machine in the back of maintenance. I have to sneak past the night watch room. Monty might be my only hope at any sense of clarity.
I take a slow breath before getting back into the vent and slipping out the other side. The moment my feet graze the floor I feel like I've made a mistake. A pit forms in the bottom of my stomach but I don't see any immediate threat. I ball up my fists and carefully tread along the darkness, following the route I laid out for myself in my head. I can see metal scrapes on the floor ahead so I turn now, going where Billy once went. I take cautious, slow movements and breathe silently as I walk. I close my eyes and shiver a bit before my eyes catch the silhouette of the doorway. The doorway Billy's behind. And a little past it, the doorway I need to be in. But something tells me not to move. So I don't. I stay still, rigidly still. Then some part of me tells me to hide. And I do. And just as I stop moving I see the doorknob twist. Then Billy appears in place of the metal I stare at him and he seems to look at me before stepping out with a frustrated noise. He shuts the door behind him and locks it with a key before walking in the direction I came. He's headed to that room. The one I hid in earlier.
I didn't see Peyton, but the keys fill me with dread. After I deem it safe I slip from my hiding spot and go to the maintenance room. I rattle the doorknob and breathe a sigh of relief when it turns. But when I try to open the door it's jammed. Something or someone very heavy is leaned against the door. Prohibiting me from getting inside. I push, and push as hard as I can. Metal on metal. There's an animatronic blocking the door but not actively. They're just leaning against it. I leave the door knob turned and slam into it with all my weight and it opens. But whoever was standing guard falls. It was such a loud noise im sure all of the entire building could hear it. Going in is stupid. Even though I got a glimpse of the green gator and just a sliver of his red Mohawk. I purse my lips as I shut the door and leave, staying in darkness to ensure I don't show up on the cameras. Then my phone vibrates.

//again, im not dead. I literally forgot to add more. My friends want me to continue writing this so I will. Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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