Chapter Four

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"I'm so fucking done with this." i grumble as we walk past the exit of the mini golf.
"shut up, you won, remember?" peyton responds. I bite my tongue to keep from gnawing his ear off with insults.
"still. i let this guy- in the bathroom- i just- fuck." i groan, my hands making their way to the top of my head, my fingers tangling in my hair.
"slow down- he did what? that's fucking gross- i don't want to hear about that!" peyton responds and i shake my head.
brothers are so annoying. "i'm sorry, i can't seem to find a fuck to give." i say as we continue walking.
peyton pretends to look around, lifting a hand over his eyebrows as if he's searching then he stops as he stares at me. "oh- maybe that adult baby over there can find a fuck for you." he drops his hand and raises an eyebrow. "oh wait. it's you."
"ha ha, very funny." i say, shaking my head and looking around. "we still have an hour ish left.." i say, turning to look at peyton. "i would've suggested we play bowling but.. maybe we can do some exploring instead?" i suggest. he half nods and begins looking around as well.
"so.. who's this guy you met?" peyton asks. "i don't want to know what you guys did i just want to know what he looks like. maybe i can find him."
i considered telling peyton about billy but i didn't think he'd care, i guess i misjudged him.
"he's.. tall... he's got a dirty blond mullet-"
"a mullet? cmon- you can do better than a mullet."
"shut up."
"fine, fine. go on."
"well, he's muscular.. he was wearing a white shirt.. jeans. a thick belt. his face has a slight stubble and he has thick eyebrows."
"you suck at describing things."
"sorry." i say, shaking my head. we've walked down the side of the building and begin to walk down the second side. trying to find something to catch our interest.
"so.. he's basically everyone's dream man that no one gets and you got?" peyton asks.
"not really. he ran off on me. but he is pretty fucking hot."
"god you sound like those.. what- y/n characters from those cringe wattpad books." peyton mutters.
i laugh a little and shrug, turning and walking backwards. "what can I say? i'm just wattpad girl material."
we both laugh for a moment and i turn back around and finally something catches my attention.
"hey, remember that sun dude? we should go meet him." i say, gently nudging my brother's arm with my elbow.
"i don't know.. like i said, he's freaky."
"oh cmon," i say, already walking towards the day care area, "he watches children. he can't be that scary."
theres lots of posters of the animatronic decorating the walls as we get closer. sun drop and moon drop. i wouldnt trust them with anything but it would be fun to just peek around a little bit.
"after this, we'll go home. i promise. and i won't make you come here ever again." a smile is tugging at the corners of my lips at Peyton's nervous expression.
i look around and from where we are, it's this glass wall with a slide next to it, and a smaller food court.
"hey, I got an idea." i say, walking over to the slide. "we should go down here. if we get kicked out it would be no biggie since we'd be heading home anyways."
"i.. don't know." peyton says.
I shake my head and sit down at the edge. "suit yourself. im gonna go talk to that sun dude. i'll find you when it closes."
"okay- where should we mee.."
im already zipping down the slide as peyton talks. oops. i forgot to give him a place but with how quickly the place is emptying out i'm sure it doesn't really matter. we'll certainly find each other. the slide spins in circles for what feels like forever and finally at the end of the slide i find myself sliding into a ball pit. you'd think there would be friction or something but for me, i don't stop until i crash into something hard. which was around two or three feet away from the end of the slide anyways. it doesn't hurt in any way so i push myself to my feet. brushing my hair out of my face when im greeted by a tall linky yellow.. sun? and.. it's wearing pajama pants.
"woah! ha ha! you sure are late- oh are we having a slumber party- where's all your friends?" the animatronic asks, his body moves around way too much and i step back but the balls pull my balance away and i fall backwards. the robot, likely due to the fact that it's made for children's protection, is quick to grab my shirt, pulling me back to a standing position.
"no.. but wow. peyton was right." i say, brushing my arms off before turning to look at the slide. looks like he didn't follow me down. i look up to see if he's at the top but i guess the glass is one way because it's just a mirror. "hm."
"ooh peyton? is that one of your friends? or.. hmm. maybe that's your daughter- you know- most parents just send there kids down the slide so- ahaha.. oh! are you the new security guard? oh boy! i'm so happy we have a new one- that other guy seemed to not like children too much." the robot puts a finger over its smile and looks off to the side.
i blinked a few times and tilt my head. wow. this thing sure does talk a lot. i spun around in hopes to find the exit of the ball pit.
"peyton is my brother. not my daughter or child or whatever. and.. who's the security guard? why don't you like him?"
"uh oh- im gonna get us in trouble. i'm not allowed to talk about such things- oh! how about we do some finger painting? or- or a puppet show! oh i have so many ideas for our us, friend!"
"sorry, i dont.. think i want to be friends with an animatronic. i just came down here to see what it's like, thanks though."
"aww, that's so sad. do you really have to go? we could stay up all night! i have glitter glue and- er.. googly eyes..?" sun says from behind me. i feel bad, of course. this robot seems to feel actual.. feelings. i step up the stairs and shake my head again, turning around only to find out he's already gone. when i turn back towards the exit he's right in front of me and i jump back a little- once again almost falling into the pit. he catches me. again.
"you need to watch out- you keep falling backwards. that's why i keep the lights on. it- er.. helps me see better. but wow! we could stay up all night new friend!"
he's so pushy. just like Peyton said, he's definitely freaky.
"we can tell so many stories- and drink fizzy drinks until our heads explode! and- new friend?" i continue walking. i feel bad for the guy but i seriously need to get out of here and find peyton. the day care is.. huge. it's definitely cleaned up and stuff which is cool, but still. it's a lot to take in.
"where are you going? we haven't started the party yet! it's not even night time.."
i wave a hand in the air as my eyes lock on the exit. "maybe some other time. but.. i should really get going." i say, using my nicest voice i have. he seems to understand as he goes quiet and not even his steps can be heard. i turn to see what's happened and he's standing there, his arms hanging in front of him as his back is slouched. he's looking down at the ground and i can't imagine how on earth this robot just managed to guilt trip me. "what time is it?" i ask. he turns to me and in a defeated tone says, "it's just past 7:15."
"hmm.." i hum, thinking a little. "maybe.. we can hang out for a little bit longer."
immediately the defeated posture of this animatronic straightens up and he seems completely over joyed.
"really? oh wow! yes please! there's so many things we can do- i can't decide what first!" he says, making his way towards me in a very eager manner. "how about you choose! the best part is, there's only one rule; keep the lights on."
well. i'm most certainly not going to touch the light switch. that's fucking terrifying. let's just.. hang out a little. and im sure he'll let me out.
"hmm.. how about..." i look around. "how about we play doctor?" i ask.
"oh? ooh! i love that idea- how do you play?" he asks.
a smirk pulls at the corners of my lips and i make my way over to a toy bin, pulling out a child's stethoscope and a few other 'doctor'-y things.
"let's pretend you got hurt really badly. and you're going into maintenance. i'm going to pretend i'm repairing you. okay?"
his expression seems to shift over to confusion as he kneels down, likely his attempt to get to my height but i'm taller than a child so he's a little shorter than i am.
"so. you're a maintenance worker?"
"a pretend maintenance worker."
"oh. i didn't know many adults like playing pretend- but okay!"
"okay. in going to ask you what your injury is and you're going to give me a fake response and i'll fake fix you. okay?"
"oh- okay! then we can take turns?"
".. yeah, sure."
he smiles again and lays down, spreading his arms out as he looks at me.
"okay.." this feels weird. i just wanted to satisfy the robot but now i'm stuck playing doctor and peyton is probably going to be so annoyed- but i'm glad that he's not the type to sit around and watch. he's likely back at the arcade or something. i'll tell him i got held up.
"sun drop, i see you've come in with an injury. what's the case?" i ask, grabbing the stethoscope and pretending to listen to his heart beat.
"hm. i was on the swing set with a child when i fell off and i hurt my left arm." he says.
i set the stethoscope down and pretend to poke around at his arm. "yes yes.. it looks like you've dented this area right here." i say with a small laugh.
he sort of giggles too and i can't help but smile.
"did i? oh dear. how are you going to fix me?" he asks. i look at him and raise an eyebrow. he is definitely one of their best animatronics. i'm starting to like him more than roxanne and chica. and bonnie. plus, he's adorable.
"well, i'll do what i can." i respond and i lean down, gently kissing the area. "voila. you, sir, are healed."
"really?" he asks and lifts his arm, looking at the area with a bright smile. i chuckle and nod.
"yup! good as new."
he looks at me and scrambles to sit up before taking my shoulders, lowering me down onto my back.
"my turn, my turn." he hums, "i'm helping you down because you really suck at not falling backwards. i don't want you actually getting hurt because it's just pretend." he rambles but i'm stuck on one fact.
this robot is straddling me. he's pushed me down onto my back and is straddling me.
i feel my cheeks light up a bright pink when he gets off and looks away, probably at the tools. but i can't take my eyes off his face. he has more personality then most real men i've ever met.
"okay new friend, what's happened to you?" he asks, mimicking me with the stethoscope, checking my heartbeat. i'm glad the thing doesn't work because my heart rate is through the roof.
"uh.. well-" i look to the side in hopes to find something.
"i was.. playing at the play ground.. and i fell off the side and crashed on my stomach." i say, hoping on everything that it's valid.
"oh dear.." i hear him whisper.
"yeah.. everything hurts." i say, "my chest and my stomach feel like an elephant stepped on me."
i'm 100,000% sure he forgot that i'm 1 an adult and 2 a woman because he gently slides his fingers under the hem of my shirt and lifts it up, unveiling most of my body. immediately my hands move to my face. fuck this is embarrassing. i feel his fingers slowly glide up my stomach, then up my rib cage at the side, sliding across the cloth of my bra. my body tense as he slides them back down. then one of his hands goes up and down the center of my body and he's being absolutely quiet.
"how uh- how does it look su- er- doc?" i ask, trying to focus on my words.
his fingers from one hand move in a smooth line across my body as he uses his other hand to uncover my face. i feel so exposed i want to die.
"i thought we were playing pretend?" he asks and i narrow my eyebrows a little.
"what are you talking about?" i respond, "we are."
his face turns back to my body and he runs a finger over my breasts immediately making me blush even more, i turn my face away from him and he pulls his hand away. "but your injuries are real."
"huh?" i look at him like he's crazy and then look down at my body. lord behold, he was right. every line he traced is a red line on my torso. the top part of my breasts are bruises.
"what the.." i mumble and look up at him. "i didn't know-"
"it's okay! we can play real doctor, too! let's go to the infirmary!" he said, holding out a hand. i quickly pull my shirt down and sheepishly take his hand. he starts walking and i'm trailing behind him.
the goosebumps that appeared on my arms are still there, but it isn't cold. fuck, freddie's pizzeria is really exposing how touch deprived i am.
but even then, i hate to admit that i kind of like it. between billy and monty and now sun.. i almost want to stay here.

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