Chapter Two

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Food Court

two steps. that's all i got before i felt my arm get pulled back. i nearly face planted. my stomach fell to the floor and my heart was in my throat as i turned to find myself holding hands with billy.
"god, you're clumsy." he sort of growled under his breath as he released me, walking past me and towards the court. i was stood frozen there. people who'd gone up the escalator walking around me as i stared into the space.
woah. my head hasn't stopped spinning and i don't think it will so i look around, finding a table and sitting down. i curl my arms up and use them as a pillow resting against the table. i close my eyes and just breathe. this damned headache is going to kill me. it's not like i'm broke. i'm sure there's a gift shop that sells tylenol it's just that i don't have the energy to go find one.
so i sit. and i sulk. and i hate myself. my phone vibrates in my pocket and it takes me almost five minutes before i make any move to even grab it. when i sit up my head goes light but i brush it off as good as i can. Peyton met with some of his friends.
"i'm with Kayte and Jacob. we already ate. going to laser tag, catch ya later." is what he said. i groan and set my phone down. at the same time, food is set in front of me. and right after that, so is Billy.
a heap of nachos so delightfully hot are rendered as cold compared to the man on the other side of the table.
His jaw is tense and so is his gaze.
"i.. told you- i can-"
"i know." he interrupted, "i'm not a schizo. the thing is, even though you can and even though your dumbass is hungry, you didnt. you sat here by yourself. fucking idiot. i spotted at least three guys checking you out." he growled. like- not actually but holy shit he's like my dad.
i hesitated a moment and reached forward, taking a chip in between my fingers. "thank you."
"shut up." he's so mean..? but nice. it's like- a nice mean? a mean nice? he's hot. like- super attractive. the way his eyebrows narrow. why's he so mean? i want to kiss him.
i eat the first bite and it feels like heaven just french kissed me all over my tastebuds. my head is going a million miles an hour but i don't say a thing as i grab a few more chips, eating them one after the other.
"you know, you're supposed to chew food before you swallow it." he grumbled. i realized then that he's only eaten one and i consciously slow down my pace. swallowing what's in my mouth before responding.
"i know.. but..." i shrug, "it's nachos."
"are they a favorite?" he asks, plucking one from the pile.
"is that even a question?" i grab another as well.
"mm.." he hums thoughtfully, and for what feels like the first time in forever, he looks away, and isn't staring at me anymore.
"what's yours, billy?" i ask.
"if i had to choose.." his voice trails off and he glances at me but this time his face isn't a snarl. it's not mean and angry. he's smirking. "well.. i don't know if i should answer while you're eating."
I don't know if i understood him entirely correctly but my cheeks flood with color, a bright red taking over the white that just coated them.
there's no way he really said that, right? like, he's not- he doesn't mean it. right?
i give him a little chuckle and shake it off, eating another chip.
"but.. i can tell you this.." he sort of spins the chip around as he leans in towards me. his gaze soft and tempting. luring even. he smells so amazing. he's so close. i want to kiss him. stop- stop thinking that you just met him- "once a pretty girl like you finds out.. I'll never starve."
i was right. i bring a hand to my mouth to hide the fact that my jaw is on the floor right now. there's too much going on and the chips are too good for me to worry about my stomach ache any more. i turn my face away in embarrassment. he's so attractive.. fuck, i think i'm okay with it. maybe? i mean he helped me three times already.
i feel a hand on my cheek and slowly my face is pulled back towards his so we're facing each other once again. "what're you so shy for?"
wow. nope, i can't answer that. he'd probably walk away if he knew i was an adult virgin. as i lean into his hand i sort of shake my head. "no reason.. just... usually guys are lucky to get a kiss on the first date and we just met and.."
i'm not playing it cool. come on, me. breathe for christ's sake. i wipe my mouth off to make sure there's no grease on my face since i'd rather die than look disgusting in front of this guy.
"you think im gonna hurt you?" he said. he had a point, though. i couldn't disagree with that.
"no.. i mean- my little brother is here with his friends and you know, it's not really something i'd consider a date?"
"mhm.. then.. can i take you on a date?" he asked. this is unreal. why's he switching up so much? one second he seems like he wants to kill me then the next second he acts like i killed his dog then the next he's asking me on a date.
"uh- here?" i ask.
"sure, why not?"
"i mean- it's not really-"
"i have tickets. we can go to the little concert at the stage. it plays at four."
"i don't know.. why do you have more than one ticket?" i tilt my head a little. strange. i didn't see him here with anyone.
"my little sisters too pussy to come so i came by myself, brought one just in case and i guess i got lucky when you dropped your brick of a phone on my foot."
"i'm sorry- i-"
"don't worry about it, dumbass. it's three fifty, though so we should get going if you want to make it." he said, standing up.
i opened my mouth to ask what we'll do about the giant pile of chips when i see that it's gone. empty. no chips left. i shut my mouth and follow him.
he leads the way to the down escalator and i check my phone, updating my brother on my location before deciding to speak again.
"this place is really cool, isn't it?" i ask, looking around at all the lights, doing my best to pretend it doesn't hurt agonizingly. my head pounding each time i take a step.
he says something but i can't hear it and it doesn't seem to matter since he just continues walking. he hands the tickets to a staff bot and we go onto the floor, taking an area sort of in the middle.
i smile and grab his hand, giving it a squeeze as a thank you since it's too loud for him to probably hear me and when i make an attempt to pull away, he refuses to let go. i don't mind, however. i think everyone got a ticket to the concert because this place is packed.
the music boosts and i immediately feel light on my feet. i squeeze Billy's hand again but this time just to make sure i'm still alive. he squeezes back. i smile a little as the animatronics all get introduced. most of the attractions closed that include the actual characters so laser tag would be the only thing available right now. as the characters go into song after song after song i decide i need a break. i go on my toes and yell to billy that i'm gonna take a bathroom break. then i release his hand and make my way to the exit, excusing myself, and going towards the bathrooms.
once i make it i go to the counter on the other side around the corner. i don't know why it's so far from the door but oh well. i wash my face off and pat it dry before going to those little machine things and just my luck. there's a small two back of tylenol available for a quarter. i pop one in and swallow the pills dry. i turn around and lean back against the counter and i can already feel the headache going away. the door opens and i get ready to leave since i don't want to bother whoever else came in but just as i grab my phone i hear the door lock. i freeze a little and check the time. we still have a few hours until the place closes.

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