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A/N: This is going to suck and I'm looking forward to it. This is mostly a joke fanfiction, but I'm trying to write this to help with my writers block, so I will be making sure there's no spelling mistakes or anything. But, like I said, I do have writers block. So, this is 100% gonna suck. Have fun reading trash lol.

TW: This fanficion is based on an NSFW RPG Horror game. There will be some stuff that isn't suitable for children and things that could be triggering. But, let's face it, if you're here, you read the title, and you probably don't care.

Since T.K. prefers chunky Y/N that's who y'all getting. Besides, chunky Y/N is adorable. Also, Y/N is a boy. Fight me. This is WattPad.

Third Person P.O.V [I guess...]

Y/N walked through the more deserted part of the park. After the week he had, he needed this. To get away from people. He sat down on a passing bench, taking a small break. Not many people were out today. He was glad. The only people he really saw on this side of the park anyway were the elderly. Usually feeding the birds. Their life seemed stress free. It almost made him jealous. He leaned back on the bench, closing his eyes, tilting his head slightly upward. The sun felt nice on his face. It was a rather cold fall morning. The day was beautiful. He felt a small smile spread across his face. For a moment, there was no one else in the world but him. The sounds of nature calmed him. He jumped when he felt the bench shift. He opened his eyes and turned to where it shifted. He was annoyed to see someone had joined him. And, they looked like they wanted to start a conversation. It was a man. Definitely much taller than he was. Skinny. Bald. (bowling ball looking head ass...sorry...) Cute face, ice blue eyes. Navy blue shirt with a lopsided heart plastered right in the middle of the man's chest area. He had a sleeveless coat over top of it and tight black jeans. The man grinned when Y/N noticed him.

"Woah, I didn't mean to scare you."

Y/N suffered with a lot of different issues, one of them being severe social anxiety. And, when he opened his mouth to reply, nothing came out. It's not like he would have much time to, because the man continued talking.

"I saw you sitting here alone." He continued, "And, I wanted to see if you were okay."

Y/N face flushed red, "O-oh." How sweet, "I'm fine..."

"That's good." He was a grinning mess, almost cute. "I was actually uhm...wondering." He seemed to be struggling to find the words, "I know this is a bit forward and a bit weird, but would you have the pleasure of having dinner with me?"

Y/N blinked and looked around. It couldn't be him he was talking to, could it? "M-me?"

He chuckled, "Yes you."

"Oh." Y/N felt his face warm up, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure." He said, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I...look at me!"

"I am." He had such a goofy grin on his face, "You're beautiful."

Y/N's eyes widened. No one's ever told him that before. "R-really?"

The man chuckled.

"I...s-sure." He smiled, "I would love to, where?"

The man's face lit up, "How about the diner you work at?"

"That wouldn't be my first choice but okay." He was grinning stupidly, "When?"

"How about tomorrow at 8?"

"Y-yeah." He'd never been asked out before, "I'm free then."

"Perfect!" He stood up, "See you then?"

He nods.

The man walked away, fist pumping as if he had just won the lottery. It made Y/N grin from ear to ear. (What ears?) He'd never gotten that kind of attention before. It made him feel special. It made him feel pretty. That feeling soon went away. How did he know where he worked?

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