Chapter 4

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A/N: I HAVE THE URGE TO WRITE! I don't know where I'm going to go in this chapter. Might be gore might not be. It's Peter lol. Just expect something weird in every chapter. Also, the first part of this chapter is in Peter's P.O.V. Might change it later, might not, we'll see. I don't like switching P.O.V.s in chapters too often.

   Y/N and Peter were on their way to Peter's place. The car ride was quiet. Y/N didn't seem to be in the talking mood. Peter respected this, but would give him worried glaces every couple minutes. He didn't like seeing his darling upset, but he did what he had to do. T.K. tried to get in-between him and his Y/N. After a while Y/N drifted off to sleep. He smiled when he noticed him sleeping so peacefully. Eventually they finally reached his place. After turning off the van, he got out and made his way over to the passenger side. He didn't want to wake Y/N, so he carried him inside. Carefully laying Y/N in his bed, his pulled off his hoody and hung it in the door. He got himself ready for bed and then climbed in next to his darling. He gently wrapped his arms around Y/N, cuddling close to him. He fell asleep smiling.

[So I'm not switching P.O.V.s, sorry.]

   Y/N woke up in a room he didn't recognize. The bed he was in was a lot more comfortable than his own. He didn't want to move. But eventually he sat up and stretched. He looked around the room. This must have been Peter's room. He blushed at the realization that the bed he was laying in was Peter's. His eyes landed on a small glass tank. Above it was a heat lamp. Inside was a small tree and a rock. Along with a water bowl. He didn't know Peter had a pet. He wondered what it was. He stood up from the bed and walked over to the tank. He leaned over, trying to figure out what was in there. He looked around the tank, gently tapping on the glass to get whatever was in there's attention. He jumped when the door opened, looking that way. When he saw Peter smiling at him, he smiled back.

"Good morning darling."

"Good morning."

"Are you hungry?"

  Y/N blushed, looking down, and shook his head. Despite being hungry, he was embarrassed. He didn't want Peter to think he was fat. He's never liked eating in front of others. But his stomach growled, proving otherwise. Peter chuckled.

"No need to lie." He smiled, "I'm making breakfast right now."

  He gently grabbed Y/N's hand, leading him to the kitchen. He pulled a seat out for him at the dining table. Y/N took a seat and watched Peter turn his back to finish cooking. He was so sweet. Inviting him over and making him breakfast when he was upset. Y/N smiled. He was glad Peter came into his life. Peter eventually turned back to Y/N, setting a plate down in front of him. Y/N thanked him, taking the fork Peter was handing him. He looked down at the food Peter had prepared. It was bacon, eggs, and toast. It smelled amazing. Y/N hesitated but took a bite. It tasted as good as it smelled, he took another bite. He felt Peter's stare and looked up at him. Peter wasn't eating, he was just smiling and staring at Y/N. It made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Peter?" He waved a hand in his face, "Are you alright?"

"Sorry darling, it's hard not to stare at your beautiful face."

Y/N's face flushed a bright red, he choked over his words.

Peter chuckled again, "You're so cute."

"S-stop!" Y/N covered his face, smiling ear from ear.

"I can't help it." Peter grinned, "You're just too perfect."

"Are you sure you're talking about the right person?" Y/N frowned,

"Of course." Peter gently placed a hand on Y/Ns, smiling softly. "I mean everything I say Y/N, I love you."

Y/N stared blankly for a moment, he just told him that he loved him. "You…do?"

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