Chapter 3

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Yeeye MFs, it's been a while, but I'm back.

   Y/N was off that Tuesday and was making his way to Don's office. Don had asked him to come help out today. He didn't mind. It was mainly really just cleaning. Y/N had always been someone who was good at organizing. Keeping everything in its exact place. Probably in case someone saw his room. Most of the things he did were because he was worrying what others would think. So, he found himself organizing his landlord's things in specific categories. Spending most of the time making sure everything was perfectly straight. He walked past a small framed photo hanging on Don's wall. It was crooked. So, he straightened it. Or at least tried to. He found himself spending a lot of his time making sure this frame was sitting perfectly on the wall, getting frustrated when he couldn't get it straight. He only stopped trying when Don told him to leave it. But, it still bothered him.

Only then did he notice the context of the photo, a young boy, grinning ear to ear at the camera. He didn't want to be nosey, but he was curious, so he asked. "Who's the boy?"

Don had already gone back to doing his own thing and paused when he asked, turning towards Y/N, he responded. "That's my son."

"You have a kid?" He asked, "I didn't know, he's cute."

"I thought everyone knew." He replied, "He's grown now. A little older than you. He's a cop."

"Oh." He looked at Don, "Where's his mom? I've never seen you with any girl."


"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"Don't be." He said, "It was a while ago."

"What's your son's name?"

"Roy." He replied, "He's a good kid."

"If you don't mind me asking." He said, "Does he visit often?"

"Not really." He frowned, "We don't have the best relationship."

"Oh, I'm sorry for asking."

"It's fine." He leaned against his desk, "You can go now if you want. We're done."


   T.K. had invited Y/N over to their place after work to have a talk with them. T.K. had been keeping a close eye on this Peter guy. This guy was a creep. Every time he was around, he didn't take his eyes off of Y/N. Not even in a cute way. Just in a creep-ish stalker kind of way. And, they weren't 100% positive, but it almost seemed as if the sicko was drooling. What a pervert. And, they swear they could see a figure in the alley every time they take out the trash. And, they had a feeling that if they acknowledged he was there, something bad would happen. This guy gave off so many red flags, but Y/N seemed to be enjoying the positive attention too much to even notice. Y/N was very insecure about his looks. And, this guy was constantly telling Y/N how much he loved him. How pretty and perfect he was. Just fueling his heart. He knew exactly what to say to get Y/N to smile. T.K. came to the only conclusion that the only reason he could know Y/N so well to manipulate him so easily is that he had been stalking Y/N before they officially met. T.K., of course, went to the police and reported Peter. But, they told them without proof, they couldn't do a thing. Stupid useless cops. So, they figured they could try to talk Y/N into getting some sort of restraining order against this guy. Y/N was out sitting on T.K.s couch, patiently waiting for T.K. to return. They had made pizza just as they did every time they hung out. Ate pizza while watching movies on the T.V. They cut the pizza after it cooled slightly and brought it out to Y/N. Setting it on the coffee table and sitting next to Y/N, they looked at him, taking a deep breath.

"Y/N, we need to talk."

Y/N had picked up a piece of pizza, ready to take a bite, paused and anxiously looked at T.K. "What's up T.K.?"

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