Chapter 1

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A/N: May or may not be having fun with this trash, lol. LET'S GOOOOO.

Still Third Person [Probably won't change.]

Y/N made his way to the crummy diner he worked at. He was anxious. Not only because it was his first date but also because he was freaked out over that guy knowing where he worked. But, he knew everyone there, so he wasn't too worried about being kidnapped. He pushed the door open, entering the diner. The waitress working greeted him, pausing when she realized who it was.

"You don't work today, do you?"

Y/N shook his head.

She seemed to have decided not to question it and took Y/N to the booth in the back. Y/N took a seat, and she handed him a menu. He mentioned he was waiting for someone. She had a moment of disbelief on her face but handed him a second menu anyway. As insulting her look was, Y/N was used to it. He checked the time on his phone. It had just turned 8. He looked at the diner's entrance. No one. What did he expect? Set up. It was probably a joke. He pushed those thoughts out his head. He'd give him a couple of minutes. 8:05. Just five more minutes. 8:10. Y/N was starting to worry. But, he'd give him ten more minutes. 8:20. He sighs. He went to stand up. He could hear the waitress working snicker. He heard the door above the diner's entrance ding. Making him look up. It was him. He showed up. Y/N sat back down, grinning. He wasn't stood up. The tall man was panting, hands on his knees. He probably ran here. He looked around the diner, eventually locking eyes with Y/N. Y/N blushed as he grinned. He rushed over and sat down in front of him.

"Sorry...I'm...late..." He panted, he waited for a second, catching his breath. "I'm glad you didn't leave."

"I won't lie, I was about to."

"I was on my way here and decided to make a stop." He set a white box on the table, "I got a gift for you."

Y/N cheeks warmed, "Oh...thank you." The man handed it to him. "Can I open it?"

He chuckled, "Of course."

Y/N opened it. Two red roses tied together with a black ribbon. How romantic. "Thank you." He picked them up. The thorns had been carefully removed. "They're so beautiful."

"I'm glad you like them."

Y/N paused, "Oh my goodness."

"Hm?" He tilted his head to the side slightly, "What is it?"

"We never even introduced ourselves." He held his hand out, "My name is Y/N."

The man hesitated, his happy expression turning sour. "I don't like my name, I'd rather you just give me a nickname."

Y/N slowly lowered his hand, "Oh uhm...I'm not very good with that kind of stuff." He said, "I'm sure your name isn't that bad, I won't judge."

He frowned, "I don't know."

"I promise."

"It's uh...Peter."

"That's a wonderful name." He grinned, "It suits you."

Peter blushed.

Y/N stopped grinning, "Hey, did you know where I worked?"

"Oh, I walk by the diner on my walks, and I noticed you a couple of times while you were working." He replied, "I wanted to come in to talk to you, but I couldn't, like a loser."

Y/N blinked, "Oh no!" He said, "You're not a loser, I totally get it!"

"Really?" He smiled again,

"Yeah, you got anxious, right?" He smiled, "Though I'm not sure why anyone would get anxious around me."

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