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I doubt anyone will read this but here's some information on this version of Y/N L/N.

Name: Y/N L/N. (That's literally his name. I usually pronounce it Yin Ellen in my head. But if you read it as your name that's totally fine. I can't control what you do lol.)

Age: he is around 18-21. That's up to you. (Peter is around 20-30 so you can make your decision based on that if you like.)

Gender: male.

Pronouns: he/him/they/them. (You'll probably see me use they every once in a while out of no where lol.)

Height: 5"3 (he's short:) I like short tall relationships:))

Weight: I do not have an exact weight but he is in-between 170-190lbs (the average weight for a 5"3 male is 112 - 136 lbs. So he's a little chunky but he isn't super over weight.)

Favorite food: pizza. (Favorite topping is up to you.)

Favorite dessert: funnel cake.

Favorite drink: milkshakes (favorite flavor is up to you.)

As you have already seen, Y/N is very self cautious. He also suffers with anxiety and depression but he tries to ignore that fact. He doesn't get help with it, he just tried to pretend he doesn't have it at all. Being a waiter doesn't exactly help with that though. Y/N does in fact have a huge crush on T.K. He just thinks T.K. is too good for him and will never like him back. (Y/N you idiot they literally have the biggest fucking crush on you.) When he first meets Peter he's mostly blinded by all the compliments. Peter makes him feel better about himself. He makes him feel good. (Cough manipulation.) It's a false love. What Y/N loves is the attention, not Peter. (Though whether or not he falls for Peter for real will be up to you.) (I personally like the idea of T.K. being like the hero of the situation.) I wouldn't call Y/N an attention wh0re, just someone who's looking for love is all. Y/N met Lucy in high school, so Lucy is completely okay with being called Lucy by Y/N. But Y/N is used to, and likes, calling her Lulu or Lu. Y/N and Lucy have lived together for about a year. Lucy has trouble finding a job because she has a history of doing dr/gs and that doesn't look good on a resume. Which is why Y/N helps her and is so lenient. Peter will also try to pretend like somethings didn't happen in this story. He manipulates Y/N into thinking they were nightmares. And, Y/N is stupid and believes him. Y/N isn't really stupid, just ignorant. He's easily manipulated. Y/N hates eating in front of other people.

Sometimes he even tries to starve himself. Other times he stress eats. So some days he over eats and other days he doesn't eat at all. Sometimes all he has is just a cup of coffee. Lucy tries to make sure he has breakfast before leaving for work. His body never knows when he'll eat next so it stores what it can, which is why he's a little on the chunky side. T.K. also tries to get Y/N to eat pretty often. They make him food on his lunch break. If it isn't busy T.K. sometimes joins Y/N and they just sit, eat, and talk.


I hate in every fanfic, T.K. is called he. T.K. is gender-fluid and goes my they/they. STOP MISGENDERING THEM! Lol.


Also, let me know if you guys would want some dilf in the story. I know a lot of people go for that.

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