Chapter 6 [ Lockdown ]

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I quickly stood up from the corpse, looking back and forth. McKayla seemed angry. I wasn't surprised; she just lost her only lead to finding out who the murderer was. We stormed over to our room as we passed squadrons of guards. She kicked down the door, angrily screaming. She grabbed one of the laptops and slammed it against the ground. She immediately began stomping on it, with her hits gaining more force each stomp. Abruptly, she pulled out her G17 and aimed at the laptop. I acted fast. I grabbed her gun and aimed it at the ceiling. The bullet thrusted out of gun, getting itself stuck in the ceiling.
"Violence won't work." I stated.
"Well nothing else will!" She exclaimed, "We have tried everything possible, yet nothing works." She said.
"We still have all the gang members. There has to be someone in this building. But, for now, we go on lockdown." I ordered.
"On it." She replied, " We trap the killer in here. Confront him up front, and get out of this horror movie." She exaggerated.
I seized the mint-condition laptop and got to work. I dug into the prison's database. Whilst taking a look at the gang's criminal records, I took out the USB from the broken computer. Fortunately, McKayla was just inches away from from completely obliterating it, so I was able to retrieve it from the pile of scrap she made. I plugged it into my laptop. Everything was flowing through like a waterfall. I re-coded the programming for the security cameras and the radios. I had full access to each room, plus now I could listen to whatever the guards were saying.
Writer doesn't know anything about computers, so excuse him.
"That's actually quite smart Xavier..." McKayla said.
"Thank you!" I gave my gratitude to her after passing over the laptop.
"So, let's take a look the warden's murder first." I insisted.
"There is no way he would've committed suicide." McKayla got started.
She opened up all of the security cameras, passing through everyone of them until she saw the office. I was busy writing up the clues and everything for the warden.

 I was busy writing up the clues and everything for the warden

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That's when she said something concerning.
"There's no camera for Darius's office." She said, "It shows that cameras were blacked out when the men in suits dropped off Darius..." she explained.
"Do you think they planned this to happen?" I theorised.
"It would make sense..." McKayla thought.
"One of the gang members did say that the guard let the killer through, so maybe Cloak had an accomplice!" I guessed.
"Come on, let's go!" McKayla threw the laptop onto the bed.
We both ran out the door and to the nearest guard that we could find. We asked where they had gone after leaving Darius. The guard said that they went to the construction area. We sprinted towards the elevator, reloading our guns. McKayla slammed her hand against the button. We hopped in and headed for the first floor. The elevator eventually stopped.
Everyone ran out of the building.
"Mr Red, Ms Alexander, are you positive that we should lockdown the prison. If this goes sideways, it can and WILL result in major consequences. I shall repeat again; the results will be fatal." The receptionist informed us.
"I'm too sure." I said sternly as I slammed my hands against his desk.
Me and McKayla ran back into section one after hearing the sound of lockdown. All the prisoners in the yard were ordered to head inside by the guards. One of each pair of cell guards rushed to the outside perimeter. Construction workers were brought inside the prison, followed by the men in suits. I stopped to kneel down while McKayla ran ahead.
"GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" McKayla threw a flash bomb.
They men ducked back, covering their heads with their arms. I aimed at the scaffolding above. The metal arrow sliced through the air like it was just a piece of paper, striking down one of the pillars. The structure came collapsing down onto the two men, barely missing their heads. They both tried pushing onto the platform as they hoped to get out. Fortunately, McKayla arrived in time to step onto the wood to keep them in their position. I rushed over towards them.
"You two are coming into questioning." McKayla demanded.
I knocked them both out with my shotgun's handle.

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