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📨 (a)tsumu

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📨 (a)tsumu

sorry if anything i said was too much

next time i wont talk ill just punch him okay

only if you agree

pls respond

text me

text me

text me

📨 semi

i told the rest that they should give you day to rest but two days without response? can you at least say youre okay

send me emoji or something

sad one if you're sad and happy if you're okay

📨 aki

two days of silence from someone who never shuts up makes me really suspicious if youre still alive

i hope so, we just get you back, don't dissapear on us again

📨 kanji‼️



im gonna send delegation to your home with banner


it will be big banner to it would fit

i dont know where you life

live whoops

but i will found out

📨 suna:)

osamu told me what happend in wednesday, sorry i wasn't there for you then

i think i catched cold or something and i'm missing school now, but i heard you're missing school too, so it doesnt feel that bad that i don't go

i hope you're not feeling that bad like it seems, and you're just taking your time

text me back when you're gonna feel like it, no pressure, just know that i'm worried about you

take care yn

yn sighed softly and put down her phone. she felt bad about not responding to her friends, but she wasn't ready to talk to them.

it's not that she thought daishou was right, because he was a horrible person, but he made her think about how her friends are probably only friends with her out of pity.

yn didn't feel like herself, despite the fact that she seemed to be returning to her old self. every time she looked in the mirror, something was still missing, some old piece of her that had been lost, and she hoped that finding that piece would make her feel like a whole person again, not just a sad, sometimes sweet girl who needed pity.

she was so much more back then... sure, her friends would probably tell her that she is much more now, but she needed her own opinion the most at the time.

and there was only one piece of the puzzle left to put her back together. she picked up her phone again and called her best friend without hesitation.




"oh, hi, you haven't called me in a long time, did something happen?"

yeah, their contact was a little... nonexistent for a couple of months, but bokuto never made her feel bad about it. he was happy that she was happy, and about that...

"koutaro, i lied to you, i lied to you a lot in the last few months."

saying this made her feel really ashamed of herself. they had known each other since they were able to walk, and she was lying to him like he didn't meant a world to her.

"about what?"

"about... my relationship and stuff."

"oh, yn, whats going on?"

"i'm sorry, bo, i didn't want to worry you about what was going on."

"hey, im not mad, just tell me what is going on."

and she did, packing almost everything that had happened in the past few months into their lasting few hours conversation. from the first red flag she saw in daishou to the most recent wednesday.

the only response she got was silence.

"i'm sorry."

"yn, i can't even punch you on the call, and i wish i could."

×hen she finally heard his voice, he sighed lightly, trying to process everything she had told him. oh, he was so stupid to think everything was perfect, he regretted not trying to get to know yn's boyfriend on his own, maybe if he saw him with his own eyes, he would catch up with everything that was going on.

"maybe next time when im in tokyo."

she said this with a small laugh. she wished that bokuto could simply punch her and squize being dumb out of her body to the last drop.

"come to tokyo, visit me."

"we hadn't seen each other in months."

"that is why you should come visit me, even tomorrow, and stay for the weekend."

her breath caught on the thought of meeting bokuto after that much of a time.

"i... i can come tomorrow."

"can you?"

"yes, i think my mom would agree, she asks about you from time to time."

"and what do you tell her?"

"that you are as successful as ever, and that you are the best friend i have"

"ahh, youre lying..."

yn could swear that she heard his smile in his words, he probably also kicked his feet like a teenager after their crush told them they like them. there was no better way to occupy bokuto's mind with something other than being mad at himself that he didn't thought about asking yn about her boyfriend more, than sweet compliments.

"i'm not, you're really the best, bo."

"i missed you, yn."

"i hear that really often lately..."


i love bokuto, i have the biggest soft spot for this man ever

𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙔 𝙒𝘼𝙇𝙆𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙔 𝙆𝙄𝙎𝙎𝙀𝙎 // 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙧.Where stories live. Discover now