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that was just the thing they did, when they were alone and one of them tried to tell something. they both said each other's names, paused for a second, and then moved on to the topic one of them wanted to talk about. it was silly, but they did it unintentionally.

"what do you think about sleepovers?"

"i think sleepovers are really cool, if i don't have to sleep on the bathroom floor."

"that was really random."

"no, actually, i had to sleep on the bathroom floor once because it was the only place where i couldn't hear how loud bokuto's dad snored. after that, every bone in my body hurt. they have a heated floor there, though..."

suna looked at yn for a split second who simply smiled at him, with no thought in her eyes.

"i'd rather die than lie on someone's bathroom floor."

"they have a really clean house, two nice ladies clean it every day. seriously, you could eat off this floor."

"tell me you didn't try."

"haha, very funny. of course i did not!"

she rolled her eyes and lightly kicked his ankle. of she put any more effort into it, she'd probably break all of his bones in the accident... that's how she liked to explain herself, always light, little hits for suna.

"i have an empty house this friday, do you want to have a sleepover?"

"awh, are you afraid of being alone at night?"

"i can be if it means you're going to agree."

yn laughed softly as she shook her head.

"aren't you cute?"

she held back herself from squeezing his face in her hands because they were in the middle of the corridor and no one would want to see them being affectionate with each other.

"see you on friday."

he smiled and walked away from her, not even waiting for her response. it was the middle of the week, they'd see each other every day until friday, and he sounded as if they wouldn't. but he looked sweet, all excited about their, another, meeting, as if they hadn't spent time together every day.

it made her heart skip a beat. knowing that suna enjoyed spending time with her made her very happy.

"ah, now i understand why you reject every guy."

yn turned her head to face the voice behind her. she realized after a brief glance at the boy that he was one of daishou's close friends.

"you want something from me?"

"straight to the point... i was hoping for some awkward chit-chat like always."

they spoke a few times when she was alone in the company of daishou's friends. when her boyfriend was not present, inoue was the first to swirl around her. it was always awkward because inoue was... odd, daishou told her a lot of his little secrets, and she wasn't very fond of him. to be honest, daishou probably told her almost every secret anyone ever told him because he knew yn didn't have anyone else to share them with.

"what does suna have that i don't?"

"excuse me?"

she blinked, confused by the direction this conversation was taking.

then something clicked. his overly friendly approach to her whenever she was alone wasn't just being friendly, this guy has had a crush on her since last year. it made her laugh slightly. she was literally in her worst condition and still managed to catch his attention, he must have extremely low standards. or was it her status as his friend's girl that made her appealing to him? weirdo.

"why are you laughing at me?"

his serious words snapped her out of her thoughts.

"oh, sorry."

"i waited a year for you."

she stopped rolling her eyes and began walking to her class, deciding to ignore his... whatever it was. what was the deal with these guys? was it enough for them to act crazy about her because she changed her hair and became more open? they didn't even know who she was, and there was no logical reason for them to be attracted to her. it's not like she wanted their attention.

yn thought it was enough to show him she wasn't interested. to be honest, she often missed social cues, and most of the time she didn't even notice when people were flirting with her, and she certainly didn't know how to handle situations like this. she had her first relationship in her first year of high school and had never been hit on before.

but she realized she needed to learn how to deal with boys when she felt a hand on her shoulder and her back hit hard on the lockers.

yn gasped, desperately trying to get air into her lungs. she panicked, she always panicked quickly, but this was the first time she felt so terrified so quickly.

"hey! what is wrong with you?"

they were in the middle of the school; there weren't many people around because class was starting in a minute or two, but there were people watching them. thank god. she'd probably pass out from the stress if it hadn't been for some brave girl who stepped into.

"do you want your ass kicked, you asshole? have you ever felt how it feels to be punched by a girl who is bigger than you?"

inuoe continued to stand there for a second, his hand still squeezing yn's shoulder, but after taking a closer look at the girl who had intervened, he decided to walk away.

"are you okay?"

"i think i'm gonna pass out or puke."

"let's sit for a moment, i'll walk you to class and tell the teacher what happened later."

"thank you."

yn recognized one of koganegawa's classmates in the girl who helped her. she remembered her in particular, well, anyone would remember her if they heard that much about her while spending time with koganegawa.

"hayashi, right?"

"oh, yes, how do you know?"

"koganegawa is talking a lot about you."


"you're just as badass as he paints you."

"ah! ln-san, don't say things that!"

she shook her hands quickly and covered her face, clearly embarrassed. after a few minutes of sitting with her, yn had to agree with koganegawa: hayashi only appeared to be indimidating, but she was really cute.

"not many first-year girls would stand up to a third-year boy, hayashi-san."

"ah... maybe i am a badass..."


ahhhhh 1st place in #sunarintarou...... thanks >:(

𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙔 𝙒𝘼𝙇𝙆𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙔 𝙆𝙄𝙎𝙎𝙀𝙎 // 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙧.Where stories live. Discover now