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hearing bokuto's voice, yn quickly turned around. she wandered around the platform for a few minutes, looking for her friend's face.

when she saw bokuto, she smiled broadly and opened her arms for him to hug her. she was afraid he'd kill her with that one hug.

"ahh, bo, you're so big now! look at you!"

when he finally let her go, yn patted his arms. they had both changed so much since the last time they saw each other, but if she had to be honest, only bokuto had changed for the better. 

she felt almost out of place when she imagined her new self next to him, especially after a four-hour train ride.

"i'm a serious athlete, of course im so big! miss favorite-of-her-school-volleyball-club, you should be used to being surrounded by big boys."

"oh, please! i never said anything like that!"

she slapped him on the arm this time. sure, she told him that she hangs out a lot with them now, but she didn't mean it that way.

"i done my own investigation, and my little birdie told me that you are a favorite of at least one of them."

"what exactly does that mean?"

only one person from inarizaki would become friends with bokuto so quickly and tell him something like that, whatever being favorite and for whoever he meant.

"i can't say much, but as captain of one of the best high school volleyball teams, i have a lot of friends with a lot of contacts."

"i hope you didn't tell anyone anything embarrassing about me..."

"how could i?"

bokuto's laugh was too obvious. he may or may not have spilled some facts about his and yn's friendship while speaking to his informant, but it was only to prove that he was truly her friend! he may also send photos of two of them as proof... but they were really cute kids a few years ago, right?

"are we going to your house?"

"yup! but you're only going to leave your suitcase, and we're going back."

"you made really big plans for us, right?"

"of course i did, i need to make up for the time  wasn't there for you."

"hey, kou, don't act as if it was your fault."

yn stopped for a moment, pulling on bokuto's hand to stop him as well.

"it's not your fault either."

he squished her cheek and catched her hand to keep her from getting lost in the crowd.


four hours of sitting in a train made yn regret not studying even harder, maybe if she had, she would have invented teleportation or something similar... but a few minutes in bokuto's house, where she took a shower and petted the hell out of bokuto's dog, made her feel like a nearly new born.

𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙔 𝙒𝘼𝙇𝙆𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙍𝘼𝙄𝙉𝙔 𝙆𝙄𝙎𝙎𝙀𝙎 // 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙖 𝙧.Where stories live. Discover now