Chapter Seven

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"Good Morning students of St. Branberry. Today is Tuesday the 19th. Lunch will be severed BBQ style in honor of the football team winning last night against our biggest rivals, the Havena Royal School. The team was lead by sophomore Noah West as quarterback after starting quarterback, Adam Jewels, was injured. West lead the team to victory by throwing five touchdown passes. The team won 38-14, congratulations guys. There will be no afternoon classes due to the celebratory BBQ. There will be practice for the football team after school, same for the rest of the sports teams. Anyone interested in joining the debate team for extra credit come down to the front office for more information. The team is desperate for people. Lastly, the band will travel to England on Thursday for a three day competition. 'Please arrive at the school by five am on Thursday to travel to England, unless you live in England then meet us at the fair grounds by nine am' thank you Director Jacobs. Thats all folks! Have a great day!" The school news ends and the bell rings signaling the beginning of classes.
I walk into my Math class and head to the back of the room to my seat next to Pen and Chester. "Hey."
"Morning," Chester says groggily.
"You are always a delight in the morning, Chester," I say sarcastically.
"Eight o'clock in the morning is way to early to be doing math," he complains.
"Well, you only have three and a half more years to go," I say.
"Yeah, yeah. That's still three and half years to much," he says laying his head on the desk.
"Come on Chester. Grow the hell up," Pen scolds. "Your going to be king soon. So suck it up and do some math in the morning. It's a hell of a lot easier than being a king."
"Morning everyone," Mr. Fray says walking into the room and placing his briefcase on his desk.
"You are so lucky that he walked in," Pen whisper yells to Chester. "I still have more to say to you." She crosses her arms and stares straight ahead at the board at the front of the room.
Chester leans over to me. "Is she on her period or something?" he whispers.
I hit him in the arm. "Don't be an ass Ches."
"What? It was a simple question," he shrugs.
"You never ask a girl that question," I glare at him.
"Sorry," he hangs his head.
"For your information," I whisper. "The answer is yes," I smile.
He smiles back and turns his attention to the drawing on his paper.
Mr. Fray finishes with his lesson, something about shapes, and the class ends. We all file out of the room and head to our next class. I head off to History when I run into Jeremy heading in the opposite direction to Art. I know his schedule okay, it's not weird.
"Random Student, hello," Jeremy smiles.
"Hello Other Random Student."
"Off to do some learning of this great and powerful world, I see," nodding to my history textbook.
"Always after math. Off to make something creative?"
"Gonna try to to," he smiles. "See you at the BBQ?"
"Of course. Save me some ribs?"
"No problem. Have fun," he waves.
"Same to you," I wave back.
"Well, was that not the cutest thing I have ever seen?" Pen says sliding up next to me.
"Shut up," I hip check her.
"Hey now, this is what dreams are made of," she smirks.
"Don't lyric quote me, Penelope."
"Alright, I'm sorry. I forgot you are the only on in the world that can quote things."
I open the door to the History classroom. "I'm not saying that I'm the only one in the whole world, just the only one in our groups of friends." I walk over to my seat. "I have quotes, you have fashion. And Chester and Drew have whatever they have."
"I guess so," Pen say sceptically.
"Excuses me girls. But if you are finished I would really like it if I could begin my class now," Mr. Radison say, frustrated.
"Sorry sir," I say turning to the front of the room and open my textbook.
"Thank you, I am glad that I can actually teach in my class room. Now as I was saying..." Mr. Radison then drones on and on about some war that happened over a hundred years ago.
After History I am forced to run around a track for an hour for Physical Education. I don't understand what running around a track over and over will help me further in life. I hate running mindlessly, I will run for sports, just not around for an hour. There is no purpose. After a shower and a changing back into my normal clothes I head outside to find Jeremy and my ribs.
Royals sure do know how to throw an excellent BBQ. The food smells awesome, and everywhere you turn there is some. Everyone is milling around eating, laughing, and dancing to the music. The football team are all in their jerseys, with smiles on their faces. I see Jeremy and wave. He waves back, holding out a plate full of ribs.
"I got you some ribs," Jeremy says as I walk over. "But I wasn't so sure how much to get. So I got a plateful. Maybe we could share them?"
"Good luck with that," Drew says laughing. He walks over with Pen and Chester, each with their own plate of food.
"Why you say that, Andrew?" Jeremy asks.
"Clearly you don't know my sister that well. She may be small, but she can eat circles around you," Drew explains.
"Really?" Jeremy ask me in shock.
I shrug. "Girl needs to eat right?" I grab the plate from Jeremy and dive into the first rib.
"Told you," Drew says to Jeremy.
"I need a drink," I announce. I hand my plate to Jeremy. "You guys go find a table. I'll be right back. Anyone need anything?"
"I'll have Coke," Chester says, his mouth full of corn.
"Iced tea," Pen says.
"I'll have a coke too," Drew says. "Oh and grab some napkins."
"So an iced tea, two Cokes and some napkins. Anything you want Jeremy?"
"I'm good."
"Okay, be right back. Go find a table," I start over to one of the many coolers.
I make my way over to the picnic tables looking for my friends with drinks and napkins in hand. When a football player stops me dead in my tracks.
"Hello American number two!" The football player says in a French accent.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask , confused.
"Sorry, my bad. I'm Thorn Hamilton, reember? I accidentally locked you into a class room. Ring any bells?"
"Oh yeah! I thought you played soccer?"
"No no, I just get the soccer players to do my bidding," he smiles.
"Oh, okay then. Did you ever find my brother?"
"I did, thank you. I was looking for him now actually. Do you know where I could find him?"
"I was just on my way to bring him a drink," I hold up the Cokes. "Why don't you come with me and we can find him together?"
"Good idea, twice the looking power then, yeah?"
"Yeah," I smile. This french guy is adorable.
"I was also looking for you," Thorn adds.
"Really? For what exactly?"
"My friend was wondering if you wouldn't mind going over to talk to him. He wants to apologize for something he did. Something about throwing you in a pool?"
"Would your friend happen to be Noah West?"
"Yes yes, that is him!"
"Where would I have to meet him?" I ask, suspicious.
"He said that he would come find you."
"Ah! There is your brother and friends. Andrew! Hello!" He waves to Drew.
Drew walks up to us. "Hello Thorn. Blake, I see you have met Thorn. Also that you have brought me my Coke, finally."
"Your welcome."
"Thank you. Come on Thorn there is something we need to talk about," he motions for Thorn to follow him. "You stay," he points at me.
"Okay, okay!"
"Goodbye Blake. It was nice to speak with you again," Thorn waves and follows Drew into the crowd.
"Here are your drinks and napkins," I say throwing everything down on the table and plopping down next to Jeremy.
"Thanks Blake," Pen says opening her iced tea. "Guess what Chester and I came up with?"
"Oh my gosh, don't tell her," Jeremy says, covering his face with his hands.
"We have to! It's perfect," Chester says smiling.
"Tell me what?" I ask, intrigued.
"Your idiot friends made a ship name for us," Jeremy says, his face still in his hands.
"You guys did?" I ask.
"Yeah we did," Pen says.
"You guys are the best!" I say getting up and running over to the other side of the table to hug them. "Tell me! What is it?"
"You really want to know?" Chester asks.
"Yeah, tell me. Now!"
"Okay, get ready," Pen says.
Chester and Pen look at each other then look at me. "Jake," they say together.
"Oh my gosh. Isn't that the best ship name ever. Totes amaze!" Some one says in a high pitched voice. "Hello fellow students."
"Noah? What are you doing here?" Jeremy asks.
"I'm here to have nice chat with my good friend Blake. The 'ake' part of Jake," Noah explains.
"No, as in this school here," Jeremy says his voice firm.
"I'm a student here, Jer. Or have you forgotten that your best friend goes here?" Noah says innocently.
"I'm sorry, do you two know eachother?" Pen asks.
"No," Jeremy says at the same time Noah says, "Bestest of friends."
"Okay, now I'm confused," Pen says.
"Jer and I go way back,'' Noah says. "Right Jer?"
"Of course Noah," Jeremy says fake smiling up at Noah.
"Mind if I join you all?" Noah says gesturing to the empty seat Drew left behind.
"Whatever," I say.
"Excellent. Now Blake. I have come over here to apologize for what happened at that party the this guy threw for you," he points his thumb at Chester.
"What exactly did you do to her?" Jeremy asks.
"He threw me into the pool," I say quickly.
"You threw her into a pool?"
"Yeah, didn't you hear her?" Noah asks. "Anyway, Blake I'm sorry I threw you into the pool. I know that all you wanted to do was read your book. I am truly sorry."
"Um, thanks, I guess," I say awkwardly.
"I should also tell you that we are ranked number three on Youtube at the moment," Noah says proudly.
"Wait, you two are the one's in Royal Freakout?" Chester asks.
"You filmed it and put it on Youtube?" I ask, getting angry.
"No, one of the guys on the football team did. There is over three million views, if that helps," Noah smiles innocently.
"No, that does not help," I say getting up from the table.
"Where are you going?" Jeremy asks.
"Away from him. Come on Pen," Jeremy and Pen both stand up. "No you stay here," I say to Jeremy.
"Sorry," Pen says smugly to Jeremy. "You two might be dating now, but I'm the best friend."
"What about me?" Chester whines. "Aren't I your best friend?"
"Yeah, but it's girl time. Sorry Ches," I say pulling Pen with me.
"Well, I guess that's my cue to leave," Noah stands and brushes off his pants. "You all have a great day."
"No!" I yell at him. "Sit talk with them. Stay all three of you."
They all turn and look at Pen. "You heard her," she shrugs.
"Thank you. Let's go." I stalk off through the crowd with Pen right behind me.
"What is exactly your plan? And what exactly are you doing?" She asks me with a hint of concern in her voice.
"No idea," I say.


Hello Readers,
Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Don't worry things are going to get interesting soon. I just had a question. Any characters so far the you ship? And of you do what would be their ship name? Just wondering.

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